10 Top travel tips to get the most of out of your summer break

10 Top travel tips to get the most of out of your summer break

When abroad


Know how to get in touch with the emergency services whichever country you are visiting. In Europe 112 is the contact number for the emergency services. 112 may still work outside Europe as it will eventually be the worldwide emergency number. If in doubt, check in your guidebook, in your hotel or on Google.


A little local knowledge goes a long way


As well as looking at all the great places you want to visit and see, research the specific dangers of the area you are visiting before you go. This means you can respond effectively when treating specific stings, bites, illnesses or reactions, should you be affected.


The comfort factor


Carry a change of clothes in your hand luggage for you and your child. Planes can be cold, so adjust the air-conditioning to avoid drafts and pack an extra jacket and socks. We always split our clothes between different bags and pack one outfit for each of us in our hand luggage. You’ll be particularly pleased you did this if your luggage gets lost!


Flying with children


Make your life easier and take your buggy as far as the departure gate, if possible. You may find it useful to bring your baby sling as you are often not reunited with your buggy until baggage reclaim.

When flying with small children, travelling with small sachets of Calpol or Nurofen can be helpful if the air pressure hurts their ears. Chewing, sipping water, or sucking on a dummy during take-off can also help to relieve increased ear pressure. Pack toys and books to keep them occupied during the journey and a special toy or blanket to encourage them to sleep. Carry a good supply of snacks in case they don’t eat the food on the plane.


Take your time


Rushing with small children is no fun. Factor in extra time for the unexpected. Plus, if you get to the airport in good time, you might be allocated specific seats with additional leg room and space for babies – usually at the front of the plane. Bassinets are generally available for babies up to 2 years.


Baby food


Major airports usually allow pre-ordering of baby food and ready to drink formula through Boots airside. Take enough for the flight and to acclimatise once abroad. Remember to order online or by telephone at least 7 days prior to departure.


Hot stuff


In hot climates, dress in clothing which allows your body to breathe in humid conditions.

Keeping well hydrated is vitally important in hot climates. Little ones particularly need regular encouragement to drink.

In high humidity wounds often take longer to heal and are more likely to become infected. Ensure wounds are thoroughly cleaned and apply a sterile breathable dressing. Check the wound regularly, particularly if it becomes hot, itchy or inflamed. Seek medical advice if concerned.


Careful prep


Everyone has experienced the misery that can quickly spread from an unhappy or uncomfortable child. Always have water and snacks to hand so children are well fed and hydrated on days out. Take toilet roll, tissues and hand sanitizer with you plus a compact, sensible First Aid kit.


Road trip


Whether you are going abroad or enjoying a staycation, a holiday can involve a long drive.

Check your car is roadworthy– tyres, petrol, water, oil, wiper blades, windscreen. Pack for emergencies: torch, water, foil blanket and a?first aid kit. Consider your passengers and pack additional items you may need, especially for the very old, the very young and for pets.

Plan your journey carefully: know your route, roughly how long it should take you and alternatives for known traffic hotspots. Do not rely entirely on the Sat Nav. Getting lost is stressful which itself can prove dangerous.

Take regular rest breaks. If you start to feel sleepy, stop at the next safe opportunity, never try to drive through it. Always check side effects on prescription medication for any risks that they could cause drowsiness.


Click here to read Top Tips to prepare for a safe car journey?


The heat is on


For longer journeys pack a hot drink and some snacks. For hot weather ensure you have ample water,?ensure pets do not overheat in the car. If you are in a traffic jam and your pet is in the boot of the car, ensure they are not in full sun and stop to give them water. Fit sun blinds to reduce the impact of the sun for children and pets.


Click here to find out how to safely travel with your pet?


Please be seated


It is critical that children are in the most appropriate car seat for their height and weight. UK law states children must use a child car seat until they’re 12 years old or 135cm (4ft 5in) tall, whichever comes first. But safety experts recommend you use a child car seat for all children under 150cm (4ft 11in). … The driver is legally responsible for children being in car seats while travelling.


You must wear a seatbelt if there is one fitted to the seat you are in. Failure to wear a seatbelt carries a £500 fine. Don’t strap in wearing a coat as your seat belt will not be as effective. This is particularly important when strapping children into car seats as they can literally slither out of their coat.


Focus forward


Minimise distractions – if children become fractious during a journey, stop at the first safe opportunity. Never be tempted to try and help them whilst driving. Pets should ideally be in travel cases or travel safely and comfortably in the boot of an open hatchback.


And finally….


Add additional items relevant to your trip and try and plan for all eventualities. Attend a?First Aid course?and ask the organisers to include elements relevant to the particular needs of your holiday and family.

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