10 top tips for email etiquette

10 top tips for email etiquette

Here are ten email etiquette tips for HR and People teams to share with employees:

1. Include a clear subject matter

A short and snappy summary will likely be more effective than a full sentence. If it’s for review, put that at the beginning of the subject line to make it more eye-catching.

2. Always use an appropriate greeting

If you’re writing to a close colleague, an informal ‘Hi’ will likely be sufficient, but if you’re writing to someone you don’t know so well, then always add a formal salutation and an introduction.

3. Only use shorthand if you know your recipients

If you’re writing to your own team about a project that you’ve been discussing, then you can write short emails with a list of bullet points.

4. Be wary of using humour or colloquialism across cultures

Be aware of funny sayings or colloquialisms. Instead, keep your emails to the point and as clear as possible.

5. Consider the purpose of your email

Always state if your email needs an action and by when. You could even bold this or italicise a due date or the action needed so it’s clear.

6. Think before you use an emoji

If you’re sending them to people you know well, and you know will understand them, then that’s fine. If not, then consider if they’re really needed.

7. Don’t hit reply all or CC everyone

By replying to people who don’t need to be copied, it’ll only clog up their inbox – and potentially yours if they reply to something you don’t need them to.

8. Reply in a timely fashion

Always reply within 24 hours, even if it’s to acknowledge an email and explain that you will revert with an appropriate response within a defined timescale.

9. Think about where your email could end up

Never use inappropriate language in a work email. The reality is that your email will remain on the server long after you have deleted it.

10. Always spell check

Take the time to re-read your emails, make sure they make sense and have the right tone before you send them.


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