10 tips & tricks to get started with application writing

We know that writing applications can be incredibly daunting, especially if you're just graduating. We want to give you as much support as possible, so we've put together some tips and tricks, that we at the Plus Programme would recommend when completing an application. There is also an incredibly helpful SWAY from our careers service about becoming a Leeds Graduate that walks you through this new and (often confusing) period How to become a successful Leeds Graduate.

1.Know your stuff!

Employers will be impressed the more you know about their organisation. Make sure to do some research about what they do, and why they do it.

E.g. if you're applying for a role at the Plus Programme, we'd encourage you to have a look at some of the work we do for our students by visiting The Plus Programme. You can also contact us directly if you want any more information by e-mailing [email protected].

2. be yourself!

Try not to get too overwhelmed with being the applicant you think you should be. Once you've done your research about the service or company, it's good to check in with yourself and consider how your own values, interests and passions align with the work they're doing. Then try to allow this to shine through when you're completing your application.

3. Use examples!

This could be one of the most important tips we have. There is no use telling employers how wonderful you are, if you can't show them. You may have heard of 'competency based questions' they'll likely come up a lot. They're questions that ask you to prove how competent you are, in the skills that they're looking for, by providing examples.

We'd encourage you to use examples from any work experience you might have, from your time at university or any voluntary roles.

4. Shine like a STAR...

The STAR technique is a super helpful way to structure your examples.

  • S – Situation — what was the situation you faced? Who was involved? Why did this happen?
  • T – Task — why were you involved? What is the backstory? What needed to be done and why?
  • A – Action — what steps did you take? Why did you choose to do things the way you did?
  • R – Result — what happened as a result of your actions? What did you learn? How did this influence who you are and how you would do things today?

5. Get as much help as you can

It is ALWAYS okay to ask for help! No matter whether you're a recent graduate, or you've been working for 30 years. You can use resources like LinkedIn to connect with other people in your chosen field. There are lots of resources that can help when you're starting out such as;

How to submit a great graduate application

You can also link in with the University of Leeds careers service for 1:1 support as a graduate MyCareer

6. Don't be afraid to big yourself up!

There is no shame in talking about how great you are in applications, IF it is directly related to skills and attributes the employers are asking for. I know that we all HATE saying nice things about ourselves. My trick would be speak to a friend or family member, and talk through your experience. Sometimes we need a helping hand to see how wonderful we are, so that we can tell everyone else.

7. Figure out your referees

It can be tricky as a graduate to know who to put down as your referee. Consider your options early on. It could be;

  • Your academic personal tutor
  • An academic member of staff who knows you well, or who you've worked with closely e.g. dissertation supervisor
  • An employer at your part-time job
  • A member of staff from any voluntary roles

Think about it carefully and whatever you do DO NOT put down your housemate who SAW you do lots of brilliant work over the years.

8. Proof read!

I know from personal experience how important it is to get someone to proof read your applications before you press send. You've worked hard, you're tired, there are bound to be some grammatical or spelling mistakes lurking in there somewhere. My trick would be to get a good nights sleep and wake up to proof read in the morning with 'fresh eyes', or see if you can get someone to help you out and look over it for you before sending it off.

9. Practice self-care

It can sometimes be really difficult not to feel overwhelmed when applying for jobs, but it's important to look after yourself during this process. There are lots of tools and strategies to help keep yourself calm and well during any period of your life. I promise, you don't have to have it all figured out overnight and it's still more than okay to take time for yourself.

Try out some of these sites, and remember that you can't pour from an empty cup!

How to practice self-care during your job hunt

MindWell Looking After your Wellbeing

Mindfulness Resources

10. Be proud of yourself!

Whether you're starting out with researching jobs, connecting with others on LinkedIn, or working on submitting an application, this can be a challenging time. Take some time to actually acknowledge all of the work you're putting in. You don't have to wait until you've got the job to be proud, be proud of yourself now.

Good luck!

From the Plus Programme


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