10 tips for navigating your transition

10 tips for navigating your transition

The news of layoff across various industries just keeps coming. Every week, multiple companies are cutting back, which means a lot of really great, smart and talented people are now out there looking for that next role.? There is a lot of uncertainty and it isn't easy.??

I faced this back in November, and over the last couple months have navigated this journey to see what’s next.? Along the way, I’ve noted things that I’ve seen, heard and experienced that I think are helpful for anyone else that might be facing this now.? Here are my top 10 tips.

1/ Define what you want - No matter who you talk to, one of the first questions will be “So, what do you want to do?” Everyone is different, but the key is to take time out of the gates to define it.? If you are sticking with the same job/function, great.? If you want to pivot to something new, great. It doesn't matter what it is, just define it.

2/ Know your strengths - The talent market is competitive so knowing what you are best at helps build your confidence and frame the conversations you will have.? Doing this can also lead you down various exercises that help bring forward real life experiences around those strengths.? This will help when you get the “Tell me about a time when…” type of questions.

3/ Set goals - The process of searching, networking, etc. requires diligence.? It can be a bit intimidating, but I found setting a goal each week kept me focused and on track.? Maybe that is sending 5 emails a week, or having coffee with at least 2 people, or taking 1 training course a week.? Give yourself targets to hit, and go after them.

4/ Ask for help - As you start to see things that look interesting or catch your eye, you have to be willing to ask for help.? It is really really hard to get through the applicant tracking systems, so just submitting your resume and/or cover letter isn’t going to get you far.? It could, but I wouldn't count on it.? Find people at the companies that you are looking at, either in your direct network, or a connection away, and see if they will take a call.????

5/ Be open to feedback - Through the conversations you have and the connections you make, you will start to get feedback.? Some positive…some constructive.? Don’t take anything personally, and really consider how to integrate that feedback into your next call or your next resume revision.? Feedback is a gift, so open it!??

6/ Do your research - When you do land interviews or even networking conversations, take 30 minutes to do research on the people you are going to talk with.? Be informed about what their company has been doing, or what they personally have been posting.? Make that part of your conversation.? It shows critical thinking and preparedness.

7/ Get outside - This is good advice regardless of what kind of situation you are in, but getting away from your desk/table and just getting fresh air can do wonders.? It clears your mind, helps you focus/refocus, and for me just made me appreciate everything around me a little more.

8/ Start writing - The search process gives you a lot of time with your thoughts, so write them down.? From thoughts you have about the career space you are in (i.e. social media, marketing, tech) to interactions you’ve had with people that YOU feel are interesting. I think the act of writing helps in formulating thoughts, telling stories, and reflects more of who you are as a person.

9/ Help others - Along the way there are going to be opportunities you run into that might not be your best fit, but a great fit for someone else.? When you see those, pass them on to those people.? I had a couple situations where the role I was looking at wasn't a fit, or didn't work out, but I was able to connect someone else to the role.? It was pretty cool so others were happy and find their next role.

10/ Be patient? - In the end, be patient. The right role will emerge at the right time.? Don’t get discouraged if things are not happening fast enough as you can only control what you can control.??

We are all different, process things differently, and approach challenges differently. Hopefully one, or more, of these might be useful.? If something resonates with you, I’d love to hear it.? Or, if you have other tips to add, let me know in the comments.


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