10 Tips to Make Sure It Is The Right Home For You
Alex Sapounas
Conveyancer | Conveyancing Specialist | CM Lawyers | Conveyancing | Certified Conveyancer | Sydney
Thought you might be interested in the article 10 Tips to Make Sure It Is The Right Home For You and thought I’d share a few points with you here. I’ve found some relevant information here so if I find more, I’ll be sure to pass it on.
Take a Second Look
For remote buyers, seeing a property in person is not always feasible. While having your agent video the home or having a friend go through the property for you can work, it is advisable to view the house yourself as no one knows what you want (and do not want) better than you. Many of those buyers wish they had the opportunity to view their purchase at least once before closing. If you can, view a home at least twice before making a realistic real estate purchase offer.
Plan to tour the home at different times to see variances in natural light throughout the day and to gauge the neighborhood activity during different times. The second look gives you a chance to notice any interior or exterior faults you might have missed the first time around as well as an idea what you can expect in the way of street traffic and neighborhood noise.
Review the Disclosures
Many sellers offer disclosure packages for buyers to view before submitting offers. Providing full information upfront protects sellers against buyers withdrawing their offers during escrow. Reviewing disclosures about the home’s condition or history, including renovations, upgrades, permits, damages and repairs will help you decide if you want to continue with an offer or move on to the next property..
Either way, buyers must formally sign off on the home’s disclosures and reports at some point before closing. Sellers who fail to provide disclosures can land in serious hot water with expensive litigation, even a decade later. This is another area where a competent buyers agent in your corner will be beneficial.
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