10 tips to increase your productivity as a software developer.

1) Make use of tools and libraries that are readily available.

There is no point in trying to build an API/Feature you want to implement on your project from scratch when there is a library/tools ?? that has already been built by someone else to do the same, What is most important is getting the work done efficiently not the numbers of codes written.

2) Take care of your physical health by maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.

Remember health is wealth, You can only be productive when you are in good health.

3) Create a system to manage your time

Creating a system to manage your time can be difficult. One strategy is to try to block unnecessary notifications and popups so you won't be interrupted while working, I highly recommend the WakaTime extension for vscode, it’s an extension that helps to calculate time spent coding on each file on a project.

4) Keep your workspace organized

It's important to keep your desk clean for a number of reasons. From a physical standpoint, it's best to have everything in its place so that it's less likely to get lost. But there are other benefits to keeping your space organized. A messy space can lead to a cluttered mind, and the more things you have on your desk, the lower your productivity may be.

5) Be curious and never stop learning.

It's important to always be curious and never stop learning. You can never know enough, software development is such a broad field and there are new technologies every day, You can't learn all but focus on the ones you are fascinated and curious to learn about.

6) Use a Code Editor/ IDE that has a good debugger and supports the language you're working in

One advantage of using an IDE is the ability to debug code. Debugging is a step in the software development process that attempts to find and fix errors in the program by analyzing what the program does with data without actually running it. Personally, I use VS code but there are others.

7) Don't work on too many projects at once - focus on one thing at a time

How many times have you heard this advice before? And yet, for some reason, most of us still do it. If you're anything like me, you'll have a dozen tabs open in your browser at the same time and are constantly switching between them to complete tasks. Well, according to a recent study from the University of California Irvine, multitasking is not just bad for productivity; it's also bad for your brain.?

8) Use the Pomodoro technique

Set up a time management system that works for you and stick with it. This could be something like the Pomodoro technique. You should also make sure not to interrupt yourself while working on an important task, as this will only lead to distraction and lack of focus.

9) Take breaks

Taking breaks is important for mental health and productivity, but it is important not to overdo it because then you will just end up feeling tired again. Try taking a break every 45 minutes or so, but don't take too long of a break, or else you might lose the momentum that you have built up by being productive in the first place.

10) Plan your day

Planning your day can help you to stay on track and be more productive. It is important to make sure that you have enough time for everything that needs to be done and also try to prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency.


These tips are not listed in a priority sequence, Learn and do what works best for you.

Happy Coding Guys.


