10 tips to increase response to your online job posting by 700%

10 tips to increase response to your online job posting by 700%

Getting the response from the right candidate for your online Job Posting is not that tough. There are several means to increase the response to your job postings. Just adding a few more points to your online recruitment strategies will considerably increase your success ratio.

 Here are the 10 Tips to increase response to your online job posting


  # Tip #1: Never “Copy pasting”

It’s simple, “Never Copy Paste” your job descriptions, job profile, job titles or any other content from other sites, and not even your own company’s website. Copy pasted (duplicate) contents will create a lot of issues such as; Poor visibility on Search Engines, reducing your company’s image and worse it will never express your exact requirement. Try to develop contents on your own, unique content will attract more candidates and will help your find the right candidates.

 Tip #2: Short and Crispy Job Titles

Your Job titles are the very first thing seen by your potential candidates, so putting your best efforts here is crucial. Ensure your Job Titles are precise and accurately reflect your requirement. A good job title will help you find the right candidate while filtering non-matching candidates, there by considerably reducing your efforts on follow up. Last but not least, consider adding some keywords to ensure more traffic.

 Tip #3: Write a perfect Job Description

Job description is where you literally speak with your potential candidate so ensure it's descriptive and focused. Your Job description will also represent you and your organization to the job seekers/candidates so ensure create a positive impression. A perfectly written job description should clearly explain your requirement, preferred skills and employee benefits. Job description is also the largest (in most cases) content piece in your posting and so adding important keywords here will considerably increase visibility on Search Engines.

 Tip #4: Use Friendly writing Tone

To start with a friendly writing tone will ensure candidate reads your job description, desired job profile and other requirements completely. In general using a friendly and interactive writing tone helps a lot for any type of online content, and more so for Recruitment Process. You need to as friendly as possible in your tone to convey that the organization you represent will be friendly & progressive to job seekers. A friendly writing tone will also considerably influence in job seekers applying for your requirement.

 Tip #5: Use proper Job Posting Format

(Well that’s yet another writing tip, forgive me for my typical Content writer’s attitude)

Almost all leading online job posting websites provide ample options to format to suit your presentation skills/requirements. A perfect recruiter should make the most out of these by ensuring you use bolt & Italic to make important part of your contents stand out. You can also add subtitles if you need, this will greatly increase readability and visibility to your job posting. Avoid paragraphs and instead use Bullets, it is easier to write and easily catches the eyes of your potential Candidates.

 Tip #6: Flaunt your Brand/Org

If your organization’s reputation and brand value to the fullest, mention your organization’s name in CAPS to make it more visible and stand out. Almost every job seeker prefers to work for a big firm or an organization with good reputation. In about Company/company profile try to mention your organization’s highlights and achievements such as CMMi level, Number of employees, Global Presence, (in India mentioning your company has a branch or head office in US is an instant attraction) some of your big clients and more. A job seeker will attract by such elements undoubtedly and will considerably increase the response.

 Tip #7: Success Stories


Add more trust and convincing effect by adding employee testimonial’s by your existing and previous employees, it will greatly increase success. You can also try to add employee testimonials in a video format if possible and post it on YouTube and provide a link to the video from your job posting.  Furthermore adding Media mentions will also increase trust and convincing tone to your job posting.

 Tip #8: Share Your Job Posting

Social Media is today’s version of “Word of Mouth Marketing” and make sure you never lack here. As a recruiter you should have a very minimum of 1000+ friends both Facebook and LinkedIn, to help spread your online job posting. With a huge network on your side, you can ripe huge benefit by just sharing a link to your job posting on Social Media sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn. Another advantage of sharing is it directly increases your job posting’s performance on major Search Engines such as Google.

 Tip #9: Make it SEO-Friendly

Adding important keywords relevant to your specific requirements will greatly increase traffic from Search Engines. Not just Google, almost all Job Portals use Job Search options that work with keywords within their Portal. Adding related and alternative terms of the Designation and skill set will greatly help your cause. Try using keywords on Job Title, Sub titles within Description (if you have) and bullets, any keyword here is more valuable and will attract more candidates.

 Tip #10: Ensure Prompt Response

All the above mentioned tips will greatly increase response to your online job posting; just make sure you reply in kind and as fast as possible. Periodically check your inbox and ensure you reply ASAP the right candidates and get the conversation going towards closure.  


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