10 Tips to burn belly fat fast.
1. Do H2O.
Think it's just for looking pudgy in a bikini?
Nope, it's actually crucial for your health and it's completely free.
Here's why.
Influenza-A, aka the flu, is a more virulent form of flu. During normal flu season, the flu spreads between two and four per cent of the population.
The flu virus doesn't transmit as easily when people are immune.
Most people who get it can fight it off in a couple of days without treatment, but this can be increased with malnutrition. It's recommended we drink up to four litres of water a day (up to 8 glasses), even during flu season.
Keep your immune system healthy with these five ways.
2. Eat green.
It's true – vitamins. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps your body fight infections and inflammation.
Studies have also shown Vitamin C helps with bone density and muscle recovery.
Eat your greens. Studies show eating the richest vegetables at least twice a day will reduce your risk of stroke.
Remember, I tell you what you should be doing as much as what you should be eating.
Eat colorful fruits and vegetables and avoid the darker ones. Some studies have shown antioxidant rich foods do help reduce inflammation but if you eat too much of a single antioxidant, you could end up with too much nutrient density.
Read about why green vegetables may help increase blood flow for heart health.
3. Try meatless.
Studies show diet can increase the amount of nitric oxide in your blood stream. This chemical helps your arteries work more efficiently, so reduce the risk of heart disease.
Might have to find more creative ways of satisfying your meat cravings while you're trying to burn fat.
4. Keep lean.
Want to know why you might not be losing weight when you do every diet and exercise plan under the sun?
No, I'm not just blaming diet.
A number of studies show exercise is not important as a way to lose weight.
Studies also show keeping lean when you start exercising could actually increase your risk of getting cancer.