10 Things Wealthy People Do Differently

10 Things Wealthy People Do Differently

If you have ever wondered how to start the path to being wealthy, and continue on the path, look no further than this article. Here in this professional blog article are the top 10 things wealthy people do differently, that most other people just do not do or do not think to do.?

?Many millionaires and beyond in wealth, for example, spend their time differently - they spend more time focusing on personal growth, planning for investments and working, and less time hanging out.?

?They also move towards similar wealth-building strategies, such as saving as much as they can and bringing in multiple income streams.

?This will benefit you in your business and eventually (with great sales tactics too, more about this here) more conversions to clients, plus in your personal life.

?Having more money comes at a great benefit to achieve more freedom in life and to be able to invest in your business to expand and scale it more.

?These are some of the areas you can also connect with Empire Life Instagram, Quora, Pinterest, and the Facebook Group.

?I have written many professional blog articles about making a huge impact and scaling your business here, here, and here.

?10 Things Wealthy People Do Differently

?These are the top social media platforms at the moment to produce content on and have a business social media presence:

1? Wealthy People Are Committed To Creating And Maintaining Wealth

?2? Wealthy (abundance mindset) people often see opportunities and focus on rewards. People with a lack of mindset often see obstacles and focus on the risks.

?3 They understand delayed gratification

?4 They Budget

?5 Wealthy people in an abundance mindset often focus on what they want, while people in a lack of mindset often focus on what they don’t want.

?6 People having an abundance mindset are usually solution-oriented

?7 Wealthy (abundance mindset) people often do not back away, avoid, or complain about problems

?8 Wealthy people often work hard and believe it’s appropriate to be well rewarded for the value they provide

?9 Those who have a wealth mindset believe in themselves, their value, and their ability to deliver

?10 People with a lack of mindset often mismanage their money or avoid talking or thinking about the subject of money altogether


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All of the coaches and the female-led businesses who implemented Empire Life business strategies in client leads, monthly income (often a 20X increase from when they started with Empire Life support), and client retention after having Empire Life Mentorship, apply here.


?1 Wealthy People Are Committed To Creating And Maintaining Wealth

?Most people do not create or get what they truly want because they do not take the time to understand what it is they truly want or desire or can acknowledge it fully because of previous traumas, money blocks, generational patterns, and more.?

?Therefore, if they took their time or did some money mindset healing and work to be able to acknowledge and decide what it is they are truly going for, there will be a much higher chance of them getting it and achieving it. There is a lot about money mindset in our best-selling book, REDEFINE.

?Usually, people with a wealth (abundance) mindset are clear that they want wealth.?

?They are unwavering in their desire. They are fully committed to creating wealth. As long as it is legal, moral, and ethical, they will do what it takes to have wealth. People with a wealth (abundance) mindset do not send mixed messages to the universe.?

?The third level of wanting is “I commit to being wealthy.”?

?The definition of the word “commit” is to “devote oneself unreservedly.”?

?This means going all in; giving 110 percent of everything you have to achieve wealth.

It means being willing to do what it takes for as long as it takes.?

?This is the champion’s way. No ifs, no buts, or maybes.?

?Failure is not an option, nor is it the end or final curtain closing. Failure means we need to try again.

?In my experience, getting wealthy takes courage, focus, a never-give-up attitude (resilience), expertise, knowledge, 110 percent of one's effort, and, of course, an abundance mindset.

?Are you willing to work seven days a week, giving up some of your weekends? People on the path to building wealth and already wealthy people are doing this currently.?

?Are you willing to sacrifice (at least sometimes) seeing your friends, and your family, and giving up (at least temporarily), hobbies, and fun activities? Most people on the path to wealth or who are already wealthy people are already doing this.?

?Are you willing to risk all your time, energy, and start-up capital with no guarantee of returns? A lot of people are on the path to wealth-building and wealthy people often already are doing this.

?This can be a good reminder of how you need to increase your personal and professional value –> most of the time you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you create in the marketplace.

?How do you want to live your life??

?Are you going to play big or play small in your life and your business??

?Are you going to live a high-level life, regardless of the opportunities and circumstances you have been given, and create your opportunities and new circumstances??

?It’s your choice.

?If you have a wealth (abundance) mindset, you know your life is not just about you.?

It’s also about contributing and building communities.?

?It’s about living true to your mission and reason for being here on this earth at this time.?

It’s about adding your piece and voice to the world.

?If you want to be wealthy in the truest sense of the word, it cannot only be about you.?

It has to include adding value to other people’s lives.?

?Some examples of these are yet not limited to → This can mean leaving a legacy for your family, starting a non-profit foundation for a cause that is dear to you, going to non-profit foundations events or being on the board of one, volunteering at a local animal shelter, and more.?

?Just remember to have great boundaries around where and how you will invest your money, or give back to causes you support!

?After you worked hard to build wealth or someone in your family worked hard to build wealth for you to have, be protective about where you decide to invest it.

?Part of our higher purposes in life is hoping to share our gifts with as many people as possible.?

?That means being willing to be big, to have a voice, to take up a lot of space.

?Wealth in a more general sense encompasses more than only financial wealth.?

?As we share our gifts and support others, the “wealthier” we become — mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

?2 Wealthy (abundance mindset) people often see opportunities and focus on rewards. People with a lack of mindset often see obstacles and focus on the risks.

?People often in a lack mindset see potential loss and are driven by a fear-based voice.

?Wealthy people often see areas where there can be potential growth, and they can take responsibility for the results in their lives, and act upon the mindset that, “It will work because I’ll make it so. I will never give up, I might take a break, yet I will keep coming back to it.”?

?Wealthy people are often committed to doing whatever it takes.

?Sometimes it can come down to this question: If not you, then who?


For the female businesses who are scaling, who are already making over $20,000USD-$40,000USD per month, there needs to be a different and unique level of support, just for you. This leads me to our mastermind (doors opening soon!!), and masterminds in general to be a part of, contact us and apply here.


?3 They understand delayed gratification

?Millionaires and beyond, wealth-builders, spend most of their lives sacrificing temporary pleasures for long-term success.?

?They have no problem buying an older used car, living in a modest neighborhood, and wearing inexpensive clothes.?

?They don’t care about keeping up with the Joneses.

?These decisions might allow them to do things such as save for retirement and college, invest more into their business(es), start a non-profit, and build up a large down payment for their dream home.?

?They often realize that instant gratification can be fun → yet delayed gratification is so much better in the long-term and worth it.?

?Today’s choices set them up for tomorrow’s success.

?4 They Budget

?Your budget is your financial plan for the month. Usually, we need a budget to build a million-dollar net worth.?

?We are in charge of our wealth-building.

?Millionaires and beyond have made a habit of budgeting every month.?

?They know what’s coming in and what’s leaving their bank accounts.?

?Knowing where each dollar is going every month instead of wondering where it all went is important in wealth-building.


Have you had a chance to grab our best-selling book, with women's stories of their rising to success, and Redefining their success?

?If you want to be featured in the upcoming book RECLAIM, Series 2, are you a female founder, with an incredible story to share with millions to inspire them, apply here.


?5 Wealthy people in an abundance mindset often focus on what they want, while people in a lack of mindset often focus on what they don’t want.

?Most of the time, if ever does life travel in perfectly straight lines? Moreso it moves similar to a winding river. More often than not, you can only see to the next winding change in direction of the river, and only when you reach that next turn can you see more.

?Action always beats inaction, however, concentrated and planned out deliberate action is the best.

?Of course, done is better than perfect, always!

?I have found a major difference between the people having an abundance mindset and people having a lack of mindset is that the people in an abundance mindset, that I know, are also the nicest and most likely to gain and build wealth.

?If you see a person with a beautiful home, be grateful and bless that person and bless that home.?

?If you see a person with a loving family, bless that person and bless that family.?

?If you see a person with a beautiful car, bless that person and bless that car.?

?Be thankful for seeing what is possible when seeing others' greatness and the possibilities they have created for themselves or have been given and taken action on them.

?6 People having an abundance mindset are usually solution-oriented

?The difference between wealth (abundance) and lack of mindset often comes into play when people are faced with a problem.

?Wealthy people often spend their time and energy strategizing and planning the answers to challenges that come up and creating systems to make certain that those problems don’t occur again.

?A great visualization is to:?

Think of ourselves as containers for wealth, love, happiness, and more.?

If our containers are small and our money starts to be bigger than the container, what’s going to happen??

?We will be unable to hold it.?

?Therefore we must grow to be a bigger and bigger container then we will be able to hold more wealth, also attract more wealth, and happiness, and anything we decide to be able to hold and attract.


Have you joined Quora yet? To speak your mind, ask questions, and display yourself as an expert there.


?7 Wealthy (abundance mindset) people often do not back away, avoid, or complain about problems

?Wealthy people are often financial champions.

?If you have been thinking about raising your prices, championing your value, and raising your value and worth, this is something I cover in the freebie, Raise Your Prices Guide, here.

?8 Wealthy people often work hard and believe it’s appropriate to be well rewarded for the value they provide

?Though people with a lack of mindset work hard, sometimes due to their feelings of unworthiness, they often believe that it is inappropriate for them to be rewarded for their efforts and the value they provide.?

They might think it is their goal to get rich only to then help the people who didn’t have the opportunity they did.

?When in reality we can create our opportunities, it might take some longer to create these opportunities, such as myself, I choose to view this as an opportunity in itself, to create them for myself and my family.?

?Regardless of where we need to start often we have more opportunities all around us than we realize.?

?This is a huge reason why coaching and mentoring are beneficial too, to be able to have a mentor to guide us in seeing where and how we can create more wealth and more opportunities, this is the application to explore Empire Life Mentoring, support for female business owners in scaling their online empires, here.

?If you have the wherewithal to have a lot of money, go get it, and you also have the right to decide how and where it will be spent, saved, and every choice with the money itself.?


With heavily investing in ourselves there is also no need to invest in multiple online courses which are not geared for the woman scaling her business.?

There are mastermind and online courses primarily for a female founder who is just starting. Where we guide them in finding and solidifying their ideal client, their client avatar, and hone in on their exact message, their true essence and bring this to the world, in our Empire Life Blueprint Online Course, here.?


?9 Those who have a wealth mindset believe in themselves, their value, and their ability to deliver

?Those with a lack of mindsets don’t often believe that they can deliver what they said they would, or do not think about taking a risk to say what they can deliver and then ask to be paid and flow in their monetary value for this either.?

?Money is important! Often money is energetic too. We need money to flow and to gain a lot to often meet our goals.?

?To say that it’s not as important as other things in life is false, and one of the first blocks a lot of people have when releasing and rewiring money blocks is to analyze what they say about money, also known as, their relationship with money.?

?In regards to life and business → money brings freedom and autonomy.?

?Some yet not limited to - these freedoms are: to buy what you want, and the freedom to do what you want with your time.?

?Also, having a flow of money in, allows you not to have to spend your energy worrying about not having money.

?10 People with a lack of mindset often mismanage their money or avoid talking or thinking about the subject of money altogether

?The single biggest difference between financial success and financial failure is how you manage your money.?

?To master money, you must reflect on money, and learn about money. You must also analyze and reflect on your money blocks, money mindset, and relationship with money.

?The time to start these is now, even if you have a small amount of money flowing in compared to what you desire.

?Money is a big part of your life, and when you learn how to get your finances under control, all areas of your life will soar.


Hoping this article finds you well, we always love to hear from you in the comments!


You can also find more information about Allison Ramsey, Empire Life Founder on Instagram, LinkedIn, Website, and Twitter. And Data Analytics Professor.

?To learn more about getting started in scaling your online empire you can apply to have Empire Life’s support here, and follow Allison, Founder of Empire Life, also on Instagram and LinkedIn.


