10 things on my Reverse Bucket List 2019
I started penning down the things that I’m grateful for in 2017 and 2018 and I thought hey, let’s do it again in 2019! Anyway, for the uninitiated, the idea of a Reverse Bucket List is to write down things that you’ve achieved or things you’ve done that you feel proud of; in other words, it’s a list of things you are grateful for. Here’s mine for 2019.
1. Travelled
Travelling is one of those things that you do to learn about people, cultures and history. I’m very glad to have been able to do that this year, visited South Korea and boy what a wonderful experience it was! I chose this photo as it was something cultural and fun to do. I’ve never fished in my life and I got to experience this spectacle at the Hwacheon Sancheoneo Festival.
2. Built a post-graduate level programme from scratch
I had the opportunity to build the ModularMasters in Strategic Digital Marketing; which in short is a certification of a series of short courses that are pegged at post-grad level, designed for marketers to up their digital marketing skills in this digital economy. Beyond marketing, I learned how to plan, design and develop programmes that are geared towards a target audience. Keen to know more? Details.
3. Graduated
I finally completed my Master's programme and graduated in July. Very grateful to the course administrators, professors, and classmates who were there to make the 2-year experience enjoyable and it wouldn’t be possible without the support of my family.
4. Interview with the Minister for Education (Singapore)
This was definitely one of the most interesting stuff I’ve done in my life. I was fortunate enough to conduct an interview with the Minister for Education, Mr Ong Ye Kung. I’ve learned so much through this experience, thanks to the opportunity that my boss had given.
Here’s the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLmcBW9wYLY
5. Completed Design Sprint class
Finally, after 2 years of deliberation and reading about Design Sprints and Jake Knapp’s Design Sprint class, it really opened my eyes into the world of running sprints, I can’t wait to conduct my first sprint, and if you are looking for a facilitator, hit me up already.
6. Took the first step towards learning about adult education
Every year I make sure I learn a new thing, and this year (and the next) I’m committed to completing the Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance. Being in the lifelong learning business, and the whole adult learning space, it really formed an interest in how adults learn. I mean I learnt the word “andragogy”; so think pedagogy which is how you teach the young to learn, andragogy means how you teach adults. I’m also clearer on reaching my goals as a trainer and facilitator. Looking forward to learning more things in 2020.
7. Kept friendships going
I think one of the few things you value as you grow older is friendships. Friends are a reflection of who you are, how you came to be. I’m very lucky to have kept friendships going, whether it’s way back from school, newer ones from work, so just making new connections. Very thankful for my friends, to those who stayed when times got bad.
8. Read
I’m glad that I made time to read and acquire new knowledge. Here were some of the books I read. (Note: affiliate links)
9. Volunteer
2019 was a year where I decided to contribute back to the community. I’m with Young NTUC’s Youth Career Network, helping out as a career guide. I had opportunities to share with young Singaporeans some experience and advice on how to pursue a career in marketing. I’m thrilled by the enthusiasm of the attendees to the events, and definitely very grateful to have made connections with my mentees.
10. Sold my house
One of the last things which I least expected to happen before the year ended was selling my house within 3 weeks of listing, which is a blessed welcome as I look to live and grow in a different part of Singapore. It’s scary to uproot after 8 years in Sengkang and 29 years in the Northeastern part but life is about journeying and mine has come to an end here, I look forward to living in a different area and can’t wait to what the new neighbourhood offers.
That’s a wrap! 10 things on my Reverse Bucket list 2019, and looking forward to the amazing experiences 2020 has in store for me.
Feel free to share with me your thoughts and if you have a habit of setting New Year’s resolutions or Reverse Bucket list too. Happy New Year!