10 Things to Make Instead Of Scrolling Your Smartphone
"Don't become an instrument of technology -- manage your phone, but don't let it dictate your life."
According to Richard Branson said, "Don't become the victim of technology control your phone, but don't let it control you."
Unfortunately, the majority of users are hooked to their phones. Here are some disturbing figures on smartphone usage:
- 46 percent of smartphone users spend between 5 and 6 hours a day using their smartphones
- The average adult is spending three hours and 54 mins on mobile devices every day.
- On an average day, we check our phones anywhere approximately 150 and 344 times each day (that's about once every 4 minutes)
- In the course of the pandemic use of smartphones has almost doubled among children
The good news is that one of the best methods to reduce the time you spend using your phone is to make a schedule of healthy, productive, and satisfying alternatives.
The more you do these substitute activities The less time you'll spend on your phone.
Learning New Skills
The majority of people believe that they don't have enough time to develop new skills or to go through more books. This is a false excuse. The issue is not an absence of time, it's an inability to manage time. Every every day, minutes are spent on distractions and low-quality entertainment.
The author Richard Koch, author of The 80/20 Principle stated "It isn't a lack of time that worries us, but rather the tendency to spend the majority of our time to be used in poor quality methods."
What if, every day, you exchanged 30 minutes of unproductive phone scrolling for 30 minutes of mastering something new?
Be it you are interested in learning important skills to earn more money and learn learning new languages to become more fluent as a person from different cultures or even party tricks to impress your buddies There are many techniques to master.
The act of scrolling through your phone gives you a brief high the dopamine rush is only temporary -- but learning new skills will be with you for many years or even a life.
Watch the documentary
I love documentaries. It's not just a calming type of entertainment, it's also educative. A great documentary can help you comprehend the world around you and broadens your mind and encourages you to make some adjustments to your own daily routine.
Some of the top documentaries I've watched recently include:
- 14 Peaks: Nothing is Impossible
- The Social Dilemma
- Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond
- Fantastic Fungi
Make an Online Income Stream
Have you ever worried that you're not earning enough however, you're still spending hours a day browsing through your feeds from social media and news applications, taking your phone down, and go working.
making content content on your phone instead, spend your time more efficiently and begin . Start producing valuable stuff. Start a side business. Create the content on Medium. Create a digital project on Gumroad. Start freelancing.Instead of watching
Thanks to the internet, it's never been simpler to establish your own business or make an extra source of income. Never.
Our (grand)parents weren't given this chance. They had to work for 40or more hours to support another person. There was no other alternative.
Nowadays, all you require to earn an income is an internet connection as well as the ability to make money from your skills. Instead of getting lost on the web make use of this to gain. Utilize it to earn more money.
Read Books
Jack Canfield, the author of Chicken Soup For The Soul Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup For The Soul, stated "The biggest problem that we face in America is that everybody spends at least two hours each day on television. If you're spending the same quantity of time studying and writing, you'll be in the top one percent of whatever you specialize in."
At the present, I don't believe most of us can have more than two hours every day for reading. However, that's not a requirement.
In the event that you read 15 pages a day and you read 15 pages per day, you'd be able to finish about 27 books in a calendar year (as an average book in nonfiction contains approximately 200 pages).
Even though reading 15 pages can be completed in 20-30 minutes per day, Canfield's advice is still valid. The biggest issue is that the majority of people spend their time watching television or in front of their smartphones.
What if you swapped only 20 minutes of mindless scrolling for twenty minutes of focused reading? You'd gain more knowledge, build important expertise, and expand your knowledge.
My all-time top books include:
- "The 7 Habits that Make Highly Effective People" Stephen R. Covey
- The War of Art -Steven Pressfield Steven Pressfield
- "The Psychology of Money -- Morgan Housel
- An Imaginary New Earth -The New Earth Eckart Tolle
Get Organized
The time you spent staring at a screen could have been used to organize. It could have been used to organize your home, cook a handful of nutritious meals for the coming days or even plan your entire week.
If you feel that you're always behind on the schedule, it could be worth spending 15 seconds less time on your mobile in order to help get yourself more organized.
According to Abraham Lincoln once said, "Give me six hours to cut down a tree, and I'll be spending the first four hours sharpening the Ax." Being organized is the metaphorical "sharpening the ax' that helps to make your day run more smoothly.
Do Something Innovative
Instead of taking in the creative output of others (aka their content) Why not try doing something original by yourself? Use the right side of the brain working and work on something that is creative, such as:
- Painting
- Music-making
- Photography
- Writing
- DIY projects
- Repairing or building things
Research studies have demonstrated that taking on creative pursuits boosts the quality of life and cognition in addition to reducing anxiety and stress. Additionally, activities that are creative are able to create a "flow" state that is an extremely positive mental state to be in.
This is in sharp contrast to the negative effects smartphones are known to cause. Research studies have found that heavy use of smartphones is associated with higher depression, stress, and anxiety.
Take a stroll (In Nature)
Research has found that the majority of people spend around 90 percent of their time inside. It's no wonder that this generation is referred to as the "Indoor Generation..'
As we spend a lot of time inside, we are deficient in vital health factors, such as an active lifestyle, fresh air as well as vitamin D3 (generated through direct exposure to sunlight). This causes all sorts of physical and mental health issues.
Put your phone aside and spend more time outdoors. Walk for long distances and preferably in the natural. If you're in the city, take long walks (or bike rides, which is what we do in Amsterdam) to discover your city on the foot. Whatever you do, make sure you're moving. Get outside.
There's no reason to be glued to screens throughout your entire life.
You can listen to a podcast
Fair enough, you may need your phone for listening to podcasts. But when you make use of the capabilities of your smartphone as a smartphone to help you become more efficient then you can use it more effectively over 95% of other people.
Some of my top podcasts include:
- The Pomp Podcast (about cryptocurrencies)
- Joe Rogan Experience Joe Rogan Experience
- Kwik Brain (by Jim Kwik)
A podcast's listening experience can be easily incorporated into other activities like going outside, cleaning your home, or even doing your laundry. It's all-in-one.
Write in the Journal
Personally, I have found journaling to be one of the most efficient ways to bring mental clarity. Nothing can help you keep your thoughts in order more than writing them out on paper.
Instead of going through hundreds of opinions, angry posts, and discussions with random strangers on the web Take a moment to reflect on your own. See what conversations are happening inside you instead of posting it on Twitter and TikTok.
"It never fails to be awe-inspiring to me: we each love ourselves more than others, yet are more concerned about their opinions rather than ourselves." Marcus Aurelius
Relax, take pen and paper, and allow your mind room to wander. It will be flooded with your thoughts, feelings, or ideas that need your focus.
Write only for you Not for others. It is important to write with no filter. This is how you can get the most beneficial thoughts to come out.
Find Your Most High-Quality Recreation Activities
Create a list of your top-quality leisure activities. I can guarantee that for the majority of people scrolling on their smartphones isn't going to make it on the list.
In most cases, it's an example of low-quality leisure. It's not really making us feel that content, the dopamine surge isn't long-lasting, and usually causes us to feel more emotionally empty than we did before.
Quality leisure activities, however, are the activities that bring genuine happiness. They allow us to be alive and feel fulfilled. These activities differ for each person since each of us has our own unique preferences.
Some of my top high-quality leisure activities include:
- Walking for long distances in the nature (especially in mountainous areas)
- Video games and video games played with friends
- A great film or documentary with my best friend
- Heavy weights are lifted in the gym
- Understanding complex subjects (such as blockchains and the universe)
These types of activities create genuine happiness within me. They make me feel happier and more mentally "richer" than endlessly scrolling through social media sites, for instance.
Overall, you should make an inventory of your top-quality hobbies and use this list every time you notice you are being too busy with your smartphone.