10 things that impede your success in the workplace
Do you want to get ahead at work? You probably think there's a formula for being noticed and getting ahead. Well, you are correct. One important aspect of the advancement equation is eliminating habits that are holding you back. These are the same habits that are holding everyone back and hurting the collective productivity of your office.
- Arriving late. Even if your office has flexible time, those around you notice if you're the last one to arrive each day. That looks like laziness. Whether or not it is doesn't really matter if your co-workers are thinking it.
- Allowing your meeting to run late. If you are the meeting organizer, it is your obligation to ensure it starts and ends on time. This shows respect for your co-worker's schedules.
- Joining a meeting late. If you are invited to a meeting that begins at 10:00 a.m., then you should be ready to start at 10:00 a.m. Don't plan on leaving your desk and walking up three flights of stairs to arrive at 10:04 a.m. That shows disrespect to the organizer.
- Not replying to a meeting request. If you were invited to a meeting, you should indicate your status by accepting or declining. If you are unsure you'll be able to attend, reply as tentative and explain. It's okay to say "no" too. Your schedule is sacred. But so are the schedule's of your co-workers.
- Not providing an agenda for a meeting. If you are scheduling a meeting, you are obligated to send an agenda that includes goals for the meeting. After the meeting you should send timely notes that summarize the action items or outcome.
- Scheduling a meeting during the lunch hour, or at the very end of the day. Both of these bad habits demonstrate a disregard for the schedules of others. Unless of course, you provide lunch!
- Not acknowledging correspondence in a timely manner. Blowing off emails from co-workers is disrespectful. If you don't have an answer, take 20 seconds and reply that you need more time to provide one.
- Being loud. In an open workplace, this is one of the fastest ways to become known as "the obnoxious one". Loud, disruptive co-workers develop reputations for being lazy and unproductive because people only remember the disruptions.
- Stinky food. It's great that you like your tunafish and broccoli sandwich that you just heated in the microwave. It's not great that everyone now associates you with stinky food.
- Printing personal documents. When you send personal documents to the public printer, other people can see them if you don't run over quickly and pick them up. Invariably, you'll get distracted one time after printing and your mortgage statement or tax return will be sitting out in the open for days.
Chances are, you've done a few of these on the list (heck, I have too!) But, being respectful of your co-workers and their schedules will take you very far in your organization. The fact is, your co-workers see everything, and talk about everything. So remember that the next time you show up late to a meeting you didn't accept with a tunafish sandwich.