10 things the 2010s have taught me
Shanelle Roberts
Product Design Leader passionate about Design Ops, Enterprise Design Systems, Employee Experience, and Career Strategy while helping designers do their best work at scale and deliver profitable business outcomes
1.The value of Intense Ownership
The 2010s have been a decade marked by me learning the value of intense ownership. Life brings tests, trials, and tribulations that reveal who we are and what we believe. I’ve had to learn the hard way what taking an intense ownership of my life means. It’s been worth it. Don’t let others take from you what doesn’t belong to them. Own your life. Own your dream. Own your time.
2.The value of Wisdom
While I hope I’ve attained some wisdom over my life, I long to keep growing in wisdom. The value of true wisdom provides is life-changing. It can save you and me from heartache, destruction, and possibly death. It can save us time, help us go further than we thought possible, and open doors we only dream of. It can teach us how to live well, make prudent choices, gain insight and knowledge, and help guide us through every facet of our lives.
3.The value of Discernment
In a decade of navigating through good and bad relationships, experiences, and circumstances, I learned to value discernment. I learned to not solely rely on the emotions others trigger in me by their words and persona(s). Anyone with an ounce of charisma and charm can appear to be “good and trustworthy,” but the motives in their heart shows up in their actions. Believe the actions, not the feelings.
4.The value of Alignment
In the last decade, I’ve learned the value of being in relationship with people who are in alignment with my purpose and my core values. Life is too short to waste time and energy trying to make bad and toxic relationships work. Create and enforce smart, healthy boundaries. Your future and sanity depend on it.
5.The value of Gratitude
In this last decade, I’ve learned to be grateful in the good times and the bad times. The good times help me make memories. The bad times help me learn valuable lessons and spurred on my transformation. Gratitude helps me operate from a place of joy and peace irrespective of what is going on in my life. Regardless of what I’m going through, I realize I’ve been given a gift in each day I’m granted on this earth. I want to make them count so that when my time is done, I can look back knowing I spent the time I had wisely.
6.The value of Empathy
In this last decade, I’ve learned to value empathy. Empathy allows me to better engage and be present in my relationships. It helps me get outside of my own selfishness and think about how my words and actions are affecting others. It reminds me to withhold judgment from others because I know I wouldn’t appreciate it if the shoe was on the other foot. It inspires in me compassion for others and helps me grant grace to those who are struggling on their journey since I’ve had the privilege of others doing so for me.
7.The value of Love
Love is valuable, not because of how it makes us feel, but by how it inspires us to behave towards ourselves, others, and God. Love is a choice. Love doesn’t always look the way we expect it to. It sets and enforces smart, healthy boundaries. It holds us accountable. It invites us to treat others as better than ourselves. It demands our whole hearts and allegiance because without it, who we are and what we do become a hollow shell of what we were created to be.
8.The value of Truth
In the last decade, I’ve learned to value truth because I’ve dealt with and have had to recover from multiple layers of deception in life and in business. Real truth is absolute, not subjective. Subjective truth is deceptive truth. It is an illusion, like a mirage in the desert. It fades away like the sun setting over the horizon. Real truth is sturdy enough to build a life on.
9.The value of Faith
In the last decade, I’ve found, clarity, comfort, and conviction from my faith. All are necessary parts of spiritual growth. Faith has helped me navigate through the good times and the tough times. It’s helped me see beyond the present so that I can push on towards the purpose and call on my life.
10.The value of Perseverance
In this last decade, I’ve learned how valuable perseverance is. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. Our dreams require a gritty determination that is not swayed by hard times, critics, and sweat equity. Perseverance helps me push through and keep pushing to make progress so that I am transforming into the person that is ready to help others create a life they love and will succeed at because I’ve lived it. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. We need perseverance in order to keep running diligently towards our dreams and our purpose.