10 Takeaways Last Year
Dr. Rey Fremista
50K+ Followers | PSQ President, Quality, Process Excellence, Digital Transformation, Leadership Dev, & Analytics Thought Leader, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt | International Speaker | PH Top 30 Leaders on LinkedIn
Going back to one of my favorite places!
Before my new year starts all over again, let me share with you my 10 takeaways last year:
1. Stop wasting time proving yourself. You’re just wasting your life. Spend it to where you think you’ll grow. Stop doing those things that shrink you and start/continue doing things that expand you. Start building your dream and living your dream so that you don’t end up regretting in your 60s.
2. Be clear with your values because when it’s clear to you then it would be easier for you to make any decisions. That’s your true north, your compass. Be aware of your thoughts and actions because your own self is listening and watching.
3. From time to time, proactively schedule a social media detox and start decluttering — removing feeds and networks that are resonating negativity and people who keep on throwing garbage. On your end, stop sharing negative posts and comments because these speak more about you - of who you are. Think before you click. Your mental health is very important.
4. Revisit your Ikigai, your purpose. Your purpose changes depending on which phase are you in your life. If your purpose is clear, the happier and more meaningful you will live. Living a meaningful life will add more years to your life based on research. Start creating your vision board and start listing down your goals.
5. Keep going no matter what happens. No one or nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. When things happen, just look above and say, “Thank you for this experience. I know there’s something you want to tell me. I trust you. I pray for you to keep on pouring me with the strength I need and the wisdom so that I’ll pass through this phase calmly.” Our Lord will never abandon you. Have faith in Him. He’s done tons of miracles!
6. Love your family. Schedule a visit to your parents or to your siblings. Life has an ending. You don’t know how much time is left to each of you. This is true to all - whether you’re as big as Kobe Bryant or not as rich and popular as him. Death is a common experience.
7. If you’re working for a company, your boss is very important. Work for a boss who’s a leader — someone who supports you and someone who’s goal is for you to grow — someone who brings positive influence to you. If you want to get older 10x faster, then work for a ‘horrible’ boss. And if you’re working with one, consciously check yourself - you might become like him/her. Some say that you will learn a lot from a ‘horrible’ boss which is a one-sided perspective because we learn from anyone. Learning and being horrible are two different things. Don’t just work for the paycheck.
8. No matter how much knowledge you’ve acquired, continue to engage yourself on continuous education. This will definitely expand you as a human person. This will help you look at things from different perspectives. This will enable you to contribute more to this society. There’s a lot of free courses online that you can take instead of browsing social media sites. You can re-invent yourself through continuous learning.
9. Connect with like-minded individuals. Be very careful with the people you’re allowing to be part of your circle. You’re the average of these folks. Stop wasting time to people who are trying to despise you or to shrink your spirit. I love what Tita Dey shared, “Don’t find yourself in the wrong place and get angry if you are not valued. Those that know your value are those who appreciate you. Don’t stay in a place where nobody sees your value.”
10. Exercise and consciously choose healthy food. Your body is a temple. You don’t let junk enter your body. This will help you improve your mood, your physique, and build stability on your thinking and emotions especially when you are making critical decisions.