10 Steps To Learn New Skills

10 Steps To Learn New Skills

We are in a time where certificates no longer determine your profession, career, or your job, but rather skills! Transferable skills and acquireable skills. Although it has become a stereotype for all entities and companies to make the educational certificate the criterion for employment. Skills are the main player and the ability to adapt and develop based on the developments and changes that occur in the world. So I suggest that everyone should learn new skills in order to navigate their next destination..

Learning new skills can take time and patience. However, when you commit to learning something new, you can increase your opportunities for career advancement, expand your professional networks and enhance your knowledge base..

According to @Jennifer Herrity a career services professional with more than 10 years

???Why is it important to learn new skills?

Learning new skills can be highly beneficial to your career as it can help you position yourself to take on new projects and leverage new knowledge to advance. Showing that you are open to learning new things can also show employers that you value your commitment to your career and their company.

Learning new skills can also lead you to career fields that you may not have previously considered. For instance, if you learn new customer service skills, you can then be more applicable to higher-level positions in sales, advertising and related roles.

???How to learn new skills quickly?

The best way to learn a new skill is: Learn by Doing, practical methodology, teach others how to do it.

In order to excel at any skill, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone and practice things you aren't good at. This is known as deliberate practice, and was?popularized by Anders Ericsson.

1. Set your learning goal

The first step to acquiring new skills quickly is to set a goal that you want to achieve. For instance, if you want to develop your?public speaking skills, your learning goal might be to master the essential skills for delivering an impactful speech. Once you have set your learning goal, you can make approaches to learn new skills.

2. Break down your skill set

Next, break your main skill down into separate sub-skills that encompass the whole skillset. For instance, if you want to learn new technology skills, you might make a list of all the separate, smaller skills to master such as typing, creating documents or compressing files to send in an email.

3. Identify potential target

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4. Apply the "80/20" rule

The?"80/20" rule?refers to the idea that 20% of the learning approaches you identify and use can lead to accomplishing 80% of your goal. So if your goal is to master essential communication skills, the "80/20" rule implies that you can master 20% of communication sub-skills (such as improving tone, using professional vocabulary in written messages or learning to interpret body language) to master 80% of your overall communication skills.

5. Focus on one skill at a time

As you further develop in learning new skills, focus on one sub-skill at a time. Taking on a new skill set can often be overwhelming, but by separating it into small, achievable increments, you can chip away methodically to realize the whole.

6. Prioritize personal development

This means setting aside time to practice or study your skills or seeking out opportunities to further your progress. Making your personal development a top priority can help when learning new skills.

7. Set more long-term goals

When you approach learning a new skill, you might consider setting more?long-term goals?rather than?short-term objectives. While short-term objectives can help you monitor your progress, focusing on your results as long-term goals can help you learn different approaches to overcoming challenges and motivate you even when you come across obstacles.

8. Find opportunities to practice

Seek out more opportunities to practice the skillset you are learning. For example, if your goal is to learn new ways to communicate or initiate a conversation with others, you might think about volunteering at a community center. Or if you want to learn essential?child care skills, you could volunteer at a local child care facility, school or other youth centers. The more opportunities you have to practice what you are learning, the more chance of success you will have at accomplishing your goals.

9. Seek out additional resources

Look for additional tools and resources to help you learn your skills. For instance, if you are learning new computer skills, you might consider checking out library books on the topic to help you study, or you might join a community group to learn computer and typing skills at a local community center or online. Finding additional ways to help you in your progress can be highly effective for overcoming learning obstacles.

10. Use mistakes as learning tools Making mistakes can be a beneficial tool for learning. As you practice your skills, you may make mistakes, but learning what not to do next time gets you that much closer to your goal. For example, learning new?coding languages?as a software developer might lead to small errors along the way, such as a broken code or a forgotten lesson. Using these mistakes as tools can help you figure out where you went wrong, what elements to fix and maybe even insight into your next approach.


