The start is always the hardest part. When I was watching my son take his first steps it reminded me of starting a business. How clumsy, unsure and wide-eyed he was but by the end of it all he just has one gear - run, run, run! Here are 10 steps to help you start and slingshot your idea into reality.

The start is really tough sometimes but it's also incredibly exciting and full of anticipation!


STEP 1 - How Will You Monetise?

I’m assuming you already have an idea and know the type of side hustle you want to launch. So dedicate a day to thinking about how you're going to monetise.

How do you leverage your idea and turn it into a profitable one? I want you to spend a day thinking about your customers and how you'll be there to solve their problems. Also have a think about the tribe that you want to build around you.

If you don't know this then there's no way you're going to be able to monetise to the tribe of people that really need your product. You're here to help them solve a problem.

Think about who are you helping? What problem are you solving?

STEP 2 - Form Profitable Habits

On day two I want to help you think about the profitable habits of a side hustler. Really start to think about what are your habits of success? They might be journaling or moving your body every day.

What also makes up habits of success is to have money goals. If you wanna grow a profitable side hustle (which is the difference between a side hustle and a hobby) you need to have the intention to grow a business.

Whether these goals are big or small you need to start thinking about how you are productively moving towards that. Having money goals also help you establish how you're going to price your services or your product.

STEP 3 - Your Mindset For Abundance

On the third day start thinking about your mindset and welcome abundance into your life. What I mean by this is that I want you to open yourself up for all the opportunity and freedom that your hustle can bring and that you deserve.

There are often voices in our head saying we can’t do it. Someone put that voice in your head. Friends, family, colleagues with good intentions, may have said you can never make money in [insert your hustle here]. “Oh, there is no money in baking cakes”, says uncle Fred who has never baked a cake or run a business.

Unfortunately comments like these stick and becomes the story we tell ourselves. But here’s the thing, if it is only a story, then you can make up any story you want.

So facing your fears and doubts and writing your story is key to unlocking success. (Be sure to listen to my previous podcast episodes that really go deeper into this.)

STEP 4 - Unleash the Value of Your Social Media

Start to think about the social channels that you like to hang out on but more importantly where your tribe is. How are you using Facebook or Instagram to grow your personal brand, your business brand, your tribe or your message?

You may be active on Facebook but how many of you have actually hit that live stream button? I'm here to challenge you to put the ‘social’ in social media.

STEP 5 - Create Your Sales Mindset

On the fifth day start to think about how to create a sales mindset. How to really get into the frame of mind that making money isn't evil, selling isn't sleazy.

By putting yourself out there with an offer, you are actually giving your work and all of your wonderful thinking a platform. A platform to go out there and scale your message and help more people.

What is the point of creating something that is never going to get off the ground? What a waste of your talent and an idea. Really think about what is stopping you from creating this sales mindset?

What's holding you back from creating that offer? What's holding you back from going all in on your social channels and your networks and saying “I'm a side hustler, I have an idea and the idea has now turned into a business. For those of you that are interested and want me to solve this problem for you, here's how you can buy from me.” Plain and simple... >>> Continue reading the remaining 5 steps by clicking here.

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An Le

Remedial Massage Therapist

5 年

Oh yes Ruby! The Hustle is so real and sometimes we need to stop and breathe n recentre yourself...then refocus and keep Hustling. The fulltime job, being a mum and business hustle is such a balacing act...hard but not impossible and so relentless yet rewarding. Thanks for the mindset and strategies ????. Big love to you Ruby!

Connor Croteau

Helping you declutter your spaces

5 年
Carol Campos

Living by the Platinum Rule | Success & Empowerment Mentor | Belonging Champion | BizCatalyst 360 Columnist | Alchemist

5 年

Ruby om my gosh that was me today trying to thank everyone in my new business announcement. But soon I'll be running!1??

Mike Fisher

Managing my investment portfolio

5 年

This is a great post, you should always have more than one income stream and this is great advice.



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