10 steps to boost marketing performance
"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is, I don't know which half" - John Wanamaker
John Wanamaker lived in a comparatively simply world. In his day there was not even TV, never mind the internet. Yet the opportunity to make the wrong choices about his marketing investments was just as great.
The complexities of today's information age certainly don't make things easier, despite a vast improvement in the data marketers have at their disposal to come up with the right strategies. Using that data intelligently and aligning marketing to business goals requires a step-by-step method to make wise choices.
Are you planning to grow your organisation? To reach out to new international markets? Are you dissatisfied with your branding? Do you have new competitive threats to deal with? New products to launch? Diversification or streamlining? Companies you want to acquire and integrate? If so,, it's time to look at your marketing performance.
Set out in 10 steps, I've written a white paper that describes the most pertinent questions any organisation should best ask itself when creating marketing strategy. Contact me for a free copy and let's talk about boosting your marketing performance.