10 Steps to Achieve Any Goal

10 Steps to Achieve Any Goal

Whether you’re looking to overhaul your life or just want to fine-tune it a little, here are 10 things you can do that will help you harness the power of personal accountability and take ownership for your actions, decisions, successes and failures.

1) Define accountability.

Does the mere mention of the word accountability make you shudder? Staying true to yourself and your goals should not be overwhelming. You must view your accountability as a gift to yourself. It should be a voluntary mindset to ensure your success, and not something you’re force-feeding yourself to do even though you hate it.

2) Think as if your life depended on it.

When you shift to a determined, creative mindset, you begin to discover solutions for the challenges that you thought were out of your control.

If your life depended on it, would you come up with a new idea or strategy to save yourself? No doubt, I'm sure

The goal you want to achieve or the problem you want to solve probably is not a life-or-death situation, but many creative solutions come out when you put everything on the line. While your life may not be at risk, your happiness and success are.

3) When you can’t control your circumstances, don’t let your circumstances control you.

On March 22, 2012, the state army of Mali stormed the presidential palace, overthrowing the west African country’s 20-year-old democracy. In the turmoil, Islamic militants took control of two-thirds of the country and crushed the upcoming democratic elections.

It was a tragic moment when the coup happened, says Yeah Samake, mayor of the small town of Ouélessébougou, located approximately 40 miles from the chaos. “I came into my living room and completely collapsed on the couch. My wife came and kicked me. I couldn’t believe it. I told her, ‘I am looking for sympathy here. Why are you kicking me?’ She only said, ‘Get out there and go do something.’ ”

Whether you get off the couch on your own or require a little nudge from somewhere else, the point is to get out there and do something.

4) You’ve got to want it more than you don’t want it.

 Everything you want will cost you something. It might be energy, effort, patience, or resources. It’s natural to want the good things in life without paying the price. For example, you want to lose weight but you don’t want to exercise or sacrifice your favorite foods. You want a home business but don't want to invest or get the training you need to get started. Success comes when you begin to desire your goal more than you dread the cost of reaching it.

5) Don’t let gravity pull you down.

Just as planets produce gravity—drawing everything toward them—it seems that tough problems and obstacles have enough weight to pull you away from getting what you want. This force gets bigger and stronger as the challenges get larger and tougher. Don’t give up and don't give in.

Related: 6 Seasoned Entrepreneurs Share Strategies on Perseverance

6) Every breakthrough requires a bold stroke.

Actor Jim Carrey grew up so poor that his family lived in a van after his father lost his job; at one point the Carrey's slept in a tent on a relative’s lawn. But Carrey believed in his own future and in the things that he wanted to accomplish in his life.

As the story goes, one night early in Carrey’s struggling comic career, he drove his beat-up Toyota to the Hollywood Hills and, while overlooking Los Angeles, pulled out his checkbook and wrote himself a check for $10 million. He scribbled in the notation line “For acting services rendered” and stuck it in his wallet. In that moment, Carrey cemented his personal resolve. Over the next five years, Carrey’s promise to himself led to worldwide fame. At the peak of his career, his per-film paycheck reached $20 million.

When you discover your own internal power, you see that you have the right, the ability, even the obligation, to create your own best reality.

7) Ask for and be open to feedback.

Soliciting advice and constructive criticism from others creates accountability.

For this to work, you will need to convince your coach, mentor, friend, colleague or significant other that you want to know what he/she really thinks. They need to know that there will not be any blowback for their honesty. Feedback is key to overcoming blind spots and achieving better results.

8) Ask yourself, Am I a renter or an owner?

We care more for the things we own than for the things we rent because we don’t have as much invested in temporary items; there’s just not as much at stake. Have you ever washed a rental car? Of course not.

When you own something—whether it’s a car, business or a relationship—you make an investment, usually involving some form of sacrifice. When you rent, you can walk away without any personal loss. If you’re really committed to achieving your goal, go all in ALL the time.

9) Prepare to move a lot of dirt.

Finding solutions is just like digging for gold. Have you seen the Discovery Channel reality show Gold Rush? It follows the lives of modern-day miners as they compete against time, one another and nature in hopes of getting rich. First the miners must remove a top layer of 6 to 12 feet of dirt and rocks before the real mining even starts. Below this seemingly worthless and painful 6 to 12 feet, they hit pay dirt. The more pay dirt the miners process, the more gold they potentially find. In the end, they must move several tons of dirt to find just 1 ounce of gold. It’s hard work, but it yields rich rewards.

Their bottom-line secret to success: Keep digging.

10) Make it happen!

How do you do that? How do you really make personal accountability work for you? Wouldn’t it be easy if there were just some switch you could flip? An Easy Button you could push? Maybe an app you could use?

Well, there really is a flipping magical switch-app-button. It’s called making a choice and acting on it.

You have the choice to fulfill your aspirations or wallow in the blame game and play the victim role.

In Summary

True success doesn’t come from the outside but from within. There is no wizard. Taking greater personal accountability is the key to succeeding in everything you do. I found the best way to be accountable to myself in my business is to understand how to use Attraction Marketing for building my business.

Contributor: success.com



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