10 Step Problem Solving Process to any issue.
Problem Solving

10 Step Problem Solving Process to any issue.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein

No discussion on success in life can be complete without a sound strategy for handling problems." If anything can go wrong, it will,' the infamous Murphy's law states. When issues inevitably crop up, and they will, what mindset do we adopt towards them? Do you break down and give up, or do you leverage them as opportunities for growth and progress? When you face a problem, your reaction will impact the outcome. Events are not in control, but your response & approach will define the development and solution to the problem.

People who face themselves their problems become frantic and confused. They take a haphazard approach to thinking, flounder, and make no progress. Luckily, there is a much better way.

I want to introduce you to a problem-solving process that can help you face and tackle any challenge.

Problem-solving rests on four pillars.

v P1 Definition of Problem

v P2 Generating alternatives

v P3 Evaluating and selecting alternatives

v P4 Implementing solutions

With these ten problem-solving strategies, you will strengthen your abilities constantly to find a solution while enabling yourself to see actual progress. Once you follow this approach, you will feel confident to face it right away.

P1 Definition of Problem

1. Reinforce a positive outlook, Open-Minded, and being with a positive approach

You must face the challenging situation with a positive mindset. However, I have realized that God has given us the brainpower to try new things over the years. Don't fear. It is an opportunity to learn and turn around. That is difficult to do with deadlines and pressure but keeping a positive outlook will make each issue less daunting.

When a problem arises, fear creeps in. Before letting your mind go there, take a step back and address every issue as simple. You can face adverse situations that can be tackled with Positive thinking mental nature of harboring happy thoughts and an optimistic attitude.

Someone honestly said, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything becomes a nail." A hammer may be suitable for prying nails out of wood and plunging them into the wood, but one must avoid a hammer to pick up leaves or unscrew a rusty bolt. When faced with a complex issue, do not assume, form the opinion & subsequently conclusions. Stop for some time, take a deep breath to understand what the problem or question is genuinely about before applying a solution or answer. Be open to all possibilities. Do not presume everything is a nail.

It all starts with the mindset of positive thinking.

Problems are part and parcel of life; you can't control when or how they occur, but you can manage your reaction. The more positive your language is, the more confident and optimistic you will be when approaching any complication.

2. Understanding the problem by asking more questions. Look down the problem thoroughly.

Most of the time problem you are trying to solve is not the actual root cause. It could be symptoms and signs. To solve the problem, you need to look top-down from various angles for a better perspective. From a distinct vantage point, we may discover that the problem we have focused on is part of a bigger problem–one which would require a unique approach. Before Solutions, understand the problem with 360-degree viewpoints, then you can only determine the best course of action.

What is the challenge you are facing? What situation is causing you & your team stress? The Definition and scope of the problem is the precondition before resolving it.

 With a group, it's essential to write and rewrite the problem until everyone agrees the problem is clearly and correctly defined. We define the most crucial step to the problem. The solution will come later.

3. Address the situations from different directions.

During problem-solving, there are multiple things at play with any dilemma. Zoom out from the situation at hand, see all contributing factors to the issue, and listen to everyone's point of view.

You can re-work together. What the issue is affecting, what is faking it, and how to solve it.

Would you eat whole bread in one go? Not possible.

Similarly, some problems are too big to solve all at once. A valuable technique for solving complex problems is analyzing the detail and continuing until each piece becomes manageable. Once you have a set of effortless pieces, solve each individually. The team dissects the issue into small pieces; it is easier to see the patterns backward.

P2 Generating alternatives

4. Understanding the problem-solving strategies

 How do you solve it when you face a problem, whether a complex mathematical problem or a broken printer?

A problem-solving strategy is a road map of action used to find a solution. Different methods have different action plans associated with them—the As per below mentioned.

Trial and error -Continue trying different solutions until the problem is solved example, Restarting the phone, turning off Wi-Fi, turning off Interconnect connection to determine why your phone is working correctly.

Algorithm Step-by-step problem-solving formula example Instruction manual for installing new software on your computer & phone

Heuristic General problem-solving framework, working backward; breaking a task into steps. For example, a well-known strategy is a trial and error. First try, you fail, try, & try again till you follow. In case of printer errors, you could check the ink levels, paper tray the printer is correctly connected to your desktop. Using trial and error, you must continue to try different solutions until you solve your problem—although trial and error are not typically one of the most time-efficient strategies commonly used.

Another type of strategy is an algorithm. An algorithm is a problem-solving technique that provides step-by-step instructions to achieve the desired outcome (Kahneman, 2011). An algorithm is applied. It produces the same result. Google, Facebook, and Netflix also uses algorithms to determine which posts to display content on your newsfeed.

A heuristic is another type of problem-solving strategy. While someone must follow exactly an algorithm to produce a correct result, a heuristic is a general problem-solving framework (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974). A "rule of thumb" is an example. Such a rule saves time and energy when deciding, but it is not always the best method for making a rational decision despite its timesaving characteristics. Heuristic occurs when one of five conditions is met (Pratkanis, 1989):

a.     When too much information is available

b.     When the allotted time is limited for decision-making

c.      When the decision is unimportant

d.     When the decision is taken with little information.

e.     When an appropriate heuristic comes to mind at the exact moment

Working backward is a valuable heuristic in which you solve the problem by focusing on the result. Consider this example: You live in Gurgaon and have been invited to a wedding at 7.30 PM on Saturday in Delhi. Knowing that NH 48 tends to be super busy in the evenings, you need to plan your route and time your departure time accordingly. If you wish to be at the wedding venue by 7.30 PM, and it takes 1.5 hours to get to Delhi without traffic, what time must you leave?. You can plan to calculate backward.

Another heuristic example is accomplishing a big goal or task by breaking it into a series of smaller steps. Students often use this standard method to complete an extensive research project or for school & college. For example, students, academicians typically brainstorm, develop a thesis or main topic, research the chosen case, frame their information into an outline, write a first rough draft, revise and edit the rough draft, develop a final draft, manage the references list, and proofread their work before turning in the project. The enormous task becomes easy in a series of small steps.

The Round-Robin technique for brainstorming

Some team members don't participate & look at others to fix the problem. Follow the below rules of the game.

–  Each team member was encouraged to participate & take turns offering ideas on the table.,The team member can say, "pass if nothing to contribute in the first round.

–  The joint session is finished once all team members make a pass.

The silent brainstorming technique

it is a different form, Round Robin/. Many a time, it happens that a person who speaks louder gets their idea counted. Weak voice people go unheard. Please consider that all the pictures have equal weights, make sure everyone is online, not offline, and has a chance to express their views.

The 5 Whys technique

Ask the question why five times to get to the root of the problem quickly. With this technique, you will get only subjective answers devoid of rational and objective solutions.

Six thinking hats

 Edward de Bono came up with this technique. Six hats and six different perspectives. You will see the same problem from several different angles, very quickly and easily.

White hat. It is also called a neutral hat. It uses facts and figures required to solve a problem.

Red hat. It is all about emotion and intuition, gut reactions to ideas, and freely express precisely.

Black hat. It shows caution and expresses a critical viewpoint. The black hat will act as devil's advocate.

Yellow hat. It shows the positive side as a counterweight and the opposite of a black hat.

Green hat. It shows Creativity, alternatives, possibilities, and Innovative, fresh ideas.

Blue hat. It organizes all others. This person manages the entire decision-making process and makes sure that all other hats follow the rules and guidelines.

5. Think Logically find similarities /Find similarities/ Brainstorm solutions to the problems

Complex problem involving an extended time frame, having an actionable plan with implementation steps. The goal is a pleasant reminder of what and when things need to happen and a communication tool for everyone involved. Creating a project requires thinking through all the issues logically and identifying relevant issues and constraints.

It is pattern recognition. If you find you have a problem that shares the same characteristics as something else, you may leverage the solution you have applied to that other problem. I find this is most useful with the previous tip.

Part of addressing the problem. Come up with multiple solutions to the same problem.

More Focus will give clarity. More will be focusing more alternative options will be available on the table. That's why brainstorming all alternatives is an essential step to problem-solving.

As you brainstorm, consider the "ideal solution.". It can also help pose the problem as a question and draw conclusions.

After brainstorming all potential alternatives, ask yourself, "What solution will produce the best outcome?"

P3 Evaluating and selecting the best alternative.

6. Find the best solution using the best method to solve your challenges & test your assumptions.

As you progress, be mindful of assumptions you have made. Don't jump to conclusions. Slow down. You make assumptions to try and hasten your progress. Would you please ensure that they are logically consistent? Mistakes happen, so check, recheck. Nobody wants to develop or depend on a solution made upon incorrect answers and assumptions. When satisfied with your solution, kindly test it under various constraints, not just the most likely scenario. Only with rigorous testing, your solution meets the initial requirements.

 Now, not all solutions you outlined will be a good fit.

After looking deep dive at the various approaches, decide on the best solution for the situation.

P4 Implementing solutions

7. Focus on endgame /prepare for the worst

It can consider as visualizing the solution. Problem-solving is about getting from one state to another state. It is like using a map to trace a path from start to endpoints. Most times, I find it is helpful to focus on the end state and then work backward. As I get too familiar territory, I can relate the solution to the path.

Before selecting the best-fit solution, consider the other impacts of the solution. In worst-case scenarios, what will happen if the resolution fails? Knowing the answer will prepare you in advance if it doesn't resolve your dilemma.

Even if you fail, you will learn something in the end. Could you not take it as a learning for the future.?

Remember: The power of positive thinking will uncover more solutions. If you can do mind management to think this way, you will become more solution-oriented.

8. Setting the deadline and implementing your solutions.

The next of my problem-solving strategies is to create a timeframe for your resolution. Determine when to implement & how, how much time it will take to complete, What actions are pending to meet this deadline, and who will accomplish it?

It's essential to set a deadline and place standards on the following:

v How will you measure its success?

v How will you track the progress?

v How will the benchmark of one solution be against another?

v Developing key performance indicators (KPI) will allow you to measure the success of your outcomes and short-term deadlines to report.

 9. Take accountability for your decisions.

 "Accountability breeds response-ability.". – Stephen R. Covey.

You can select the final implementation; You are accountable for the decision taken; however, many teams may share the responsibilities.

There is a difference between responsibilities and accountability. Responsibility is shared, but the accountability remains with you only.

10. Solve the Problem Track your results if you don't have success, start over, be honest and realistic

Every problem is not solved quickly.

Additional surprises will happen. You must be prepared to handle issues with a creative and innovative approach.

The final step of my problem-solving process is to track the results. Using the deadlines, KPIs, and scheduled reports will tell you if you're on track or falling behind.

One of the critical risks in problem-solving is believing in a solution more than the facts on the table. You will make the decision basis on the information you have at hand. It would help if you were honest with yourself. There is value in judgment. You take a solution too seriously or personally, though it may cause us to skip the rigor and testing. That, too, is a decision. When is enough testing enough? It is not a debate on beliefs.

 We are talking about stressing realism and well-grounded analysis during the whole process of problem-solving.

Final Thoughts:

The essential points consider problem-solving all the time that it will keep happening. Each technique's goal is to be more open and look at the bigger picture & overall context in detail.

 We should look at problems as opportunities for inner growth and progress.

 It will help you to remain optimistic despite the inevitable hardship in life. You can use a positive approach to turn adversities to your benefit and utilize them for your evolution. The choice is Yours.



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