10 Simple 1000x Improvements

10 Simple 1000x Improvements

The best way to improve your life is by identifying 1,000x opportunities. Small actions that produce profoundly large reactions.

You're looking for "asymmetries" — things where the output is disproportionately bigger than the input, input/output is not symmetric.

And I can tell you that spending endless hours on social media trying to find a shortcut to property investment riches has an asymmetric input/output relationship, just the wrong way around. INPUT 10 / OUTPUT 1.

Here's some things that have the asymmetry we're looking for - these have been the genesis to my financial freedom and allowed me to travel the world with my family for one third of this year.

We’re currently in the Jabal Al-Madbah mountains in Petra, Jordan

Not drinking alcohol. Seriously, this one is still probably my best decision of all time. It's made me so much money it's not funny.

Sleeping. Seriously, 8-hours a night of sleep will make you so much smarter and creative, I'm useless on 5h, can do admin on 6h, 7h is just enough for me to do something meaningful, 8h is enough for me to be creative/innovative, 9h is what's required to perform my best.

Eating healthy. Lots of vegetables, regular times, avoid sugar at all costs (it screws your brain and emotions), avoid dairy, avoid wheat, avoid processed foods.

Meditation. 1-2 hours a day, every day. It will make you more focused, more self-aware, more in control, better decisions, increased intelligence, increased cognitive ability, everything dangerous that you wouldn't wish in your competitor. It can all be yours for free.

Not caring what people think. There you go, 80% of your brain capacity is now freed up and available for some real tasks!

Exercise. Regulates your emotions (you know, the feelings you get that make you do dumb stuff, eat bad food, asking for next boom suburbs on fb groups...). Exercising will give you more energy, mental sharpness, stability.

Reading books. Yeah, those things that cost like $12, are available on Amazon with next-day free delivery. They make you smarter. Find me a poor person who’s miserable and I'll show you somebody who hasn't ever read a book.

Not watching the news (or giving a crap about politics). Gain more time, feel better, stop arguing with stupid people, less memory assigned to stuff Trump said, more memory for good decisions.

Let go of social conventions. Those arbitrary rules keeping up with everybody's life, attending a cousin’s friend’s dog’s wedding, avoiding money talk, small talk — forget that stuff. Focus on building something BIG.

Developing discipline. Burger or salad? Chocolate or water? Stay home or party? Bed on time or Netflix marathon till 5am? Until you learn to control your impulses, to control yourself, you've never experienced true power.

These things are simple. Some may call them "common sense".

Make common sense common practice.

Look for asymmetries in life. And then exploit them fully.

1,000x improvements are simple.


Dharmesh Shah

AI Innovator | Leading AI-Driven Transformation |

11 个月

PK Gupta Your perspective on seeking out asymmetries, where small actions can lead to significantly larger outcomes, is an intriguing and valuable approach to both personal and professional growth.

Mauro Giacchetti

Creo Reti Commerciali |Docente Formatore Universitario | Formatore Reti Vendita | Linkedin Expert |Social Selling | Marketing HR e Sales

11 个月

Yayyy! This is going to rock and will help so many people.

Shane Boulds

Owner & Chief Marketing Officer | Automating & Elevating Lead Generation for Local Businesses ??| Reinventing Customer Acquisition with Advanced Automation & Reputation Management ??

11 个月

Wow, your work is very impressive! Hopefully we will work on some projects soon.


Very insightful, thanks!

Tom Lawrence

Do you find it difficult to increase your influence with your team members? | Leadership coach for team leaders | Author of leadership & personal growth books | Creator of leadership & personal growth online courses

11 个月

This is eye opening, very well depicted!



