10 Signs That You're A Writer

10 Signs That You're A Writer

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You spend hours pondering the perfect punctuation and agonize over every word. You own a fancy pen. But how do you know if you’re really a writer? Writer’s Relief (www.WritersRelief.com) has compiled a list of ten signs that prove you’re a writer:

1. You consider coffee a food group. Coffee or tea gets you through the long nights of writing.

2. This is how you really want to deal with writer’s block. And everyone at Writer’s Relief understands why.

3. You get emotionally attached to your literary characters…maybe TOO attached!

4. You get a bit frustrated when a literary journal editor or an agent says that they like your work, but it still didn’t make the cut.

5. Like many of us at Writer’s Relief, you’ve fallen asleep in some odd positions after your all-night writing sessions.

6. You still get nervous after hitting “send,” because now your work is out in the world for everyone to see.

7. There’s been at least one time you forgot to hit “save” and lost everything you were working on. Writer’s Relief recommends saving your work at regular intervals.

8. You have that one friend you always rely on to comfort you during a writing slump.

9. You’ve looked back over your old writing and realized it is NOT a pretty sight.

10. Sometimes you need to take a much-needed break from writing…maybe in a peaceful place, like a bookstore. Bookstores are a favorite place of everyone here at Writer’s Relief!

To see more GIFs that perfectly showcase our wacky, fun, awesome writer lives, check out the full Writer’s Relief article at:https://writersrelief.com/blog/2016/01...

Visit the Writer’s Relief website for many free writer resources. Writer’s Relief helps writers of short stories, poems, and personal essays submit to literary magazines. Writer’s Relief also helps novelists, memoirists, and other book authors submit to literary agencies for representation.

We also help writers self-publish their books. Self-Publishing Relief can help guide you from completed manuscript to finished book. Learn more here: https://selfpublishingrelief.com/

Self-Publishing Relief can also help you create a memorable, professional-looking book trailer.
Here are some examples:
The Whippanini Man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avFk4
The Forever 39ers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jg3i
The Happy Writer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojs_O

Call Writer’s Relief today! (866) 405-3003 (toll-free)


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