10 signs you know your business model is broken (sorry, it's not pretty)
Craig Severinsen
Marketing and JV Comms at Universal | Best Selling Author | Biz Growth Consultant | MBA candidate
Sometimes the problem we THINK we have, and the actual problem are not the same. Here are some common business model issues that we often confuse for sales or marketing issues.
? 1 - Fully booked but still broke
You’re overworked, and underpaid. You are personally doing EVERYTHING in your business, and if you were to stop or take a vacation, your business would stop too. Even though you have clients, it’s hard to get traction.
? Solution: What I’ve developed is a 360° approach to your business to give you the systems and tools you need to charge premium rates, and have the profit margins to scale.
? 2 - All you do is work
Forget self care. Forget friends. And there’s definitely no time for hobbies. Aside from the minimal family in the evening - your life revolves around your business.
You’re physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted from trying to scale the business.
? Solution: I’ve found that scaling your business in the right order is the key to winning back your life.
With the 360° Business Model, you gain a clear focus of how to move from one stage of growth to the next with ease and excellence - while also leaving time for a life outside of your business.
? 3 - You can’t charge a premium price (or even what your worth)
You’ve tried to charge higher rates, but every time you do clients won’t pay it. Even if they did pay, you’re not sure how you could live up to providing that much value in your services.
You’re stuck on a treadmill of low rates, and low-level clients.
? Solution: Get off the treadmill by positioning yourself on a higher level. You can use the 360° Pricing Model to step into the conversation as a strategic partner - when you connect your services to their goals you will attract better clients at higher rates.
? 4 - Sales are hard or don’t close
Sales feel icky or uncomfortable for you. During a sales call, prospects focus on competition or money.
It feels like there is no urgency for people to take action, and it’s hard to get them to think past the top level of the service you provide.
? Solution: I’ve put a lot of work into refining my sales skills over the years, and the best way I’ve found to bring on a new client is to truly step into my role as a leader in order to help them make the best decision possible.
When you approach sales using my Conversations That Sell model, your sales calls are valuable, enjoyable and easy to close.
? 5 - You don’t have a vision for yourself, your business or your clients
Aside from making more money, you’re not really sure why you want to grow your business anyways. Your life revolves around your business, but you’re not sure where the business needs to go.
Your Marketing blends in with the competition to the point you feel like you’re yelling in a crowd, or talking to a wall.
? Solution: I’ve developed a process that helps you create a 360° Vision, which helps you gain clarity and purpose for your business AND your life.
When you have a focused vision that reaches beyond money, you unlock limitless potential for your business (and remove the sneaky mindset issues that sabotage you).
? 6 - You don’t have a concrete core offer or methodology
You do vastly different work for every client. It’s hard to hire help, because part of your success is your ability to be so flexible.
Because every client is so different, it’s hard to build your reputation and client results are inconsistent.
? Solution: When you implement the 360° Business Model, you will be able to focus on a core package and core methodology.
This frees you so that you can build an amazing reputation in your industry around a core topic. This brings increased referrals and word of mouth, as well as allows you to hire and train an amazing team.
? 7 - You don’t really know your numbers
You don’t have any systems in place to track your numbers or set processes to make decisions. So, you do what you feel like you should, but - without real data - you’re unsure if you’re making the right decisions.
Tracking numbers and KPI’s seem like something you SHOULD do, but you have no idea how to really use those to scale your business past where you are now.
? Solution: I’ve developed a weekly KPI tracker that is easy to use and helps drive real results to your bottom line (without being super technical or confusing!).
By knowing and understanding your Key Performance Indicators, you can make decisions based on data. This will open you to new opportunities and skyrocket your success.
? 8 - You can’t scale or grow
No matter how much effort and time you put into your business, you never seem to be able to scale and grow your revenue, your personal freedom from the business, or as a leader in your industry.
? Solution: More time and effort does not always equal more results. Sometimes, you need to take a step back and change the parts that aren’t working the way you want them to.
By approaching your business from a 360° viewpoint, you can identify the weak spots and systems you need to implement so that you can truly grow (without burn out or sacrificing your free time).
? 9 - You feel stuck, frustrated or like you’re working hard - but no one is listening
You feel like you should be doing more to grow the business or that you’re somehow missing out. You’re definitely putting in the time and effort, but it doesn’t seem like anyone is paying much attention.
? Solution: The marketplace is saturated, and standing out is a challenge. However, the root cause to this issue is actually found in your core offer, and vision for your business.
When you dial in your core offer and fully develop your 360° Vision, then you will be able to speak to your ideal clients on a whole new level.
You won’t need to yell or compete with anyone; you’ll naturally stand out because you’re having a completely different conversation.
? 10 -You seem to only attract low-level clients, and aren’t sure how to reach your perfect clients.
You seem to have the right messages, and you know you’ve got the right services; but the level of clients you attract don’t match the aspirations you have for your business.
You know there needs to be a shift somewhere, but you’re so close to the situation that you’re having a hard time seeing it.
? Solution: This is exactly why the 360° Business Model is so valuable, because it helps you evaluate your business and find the bottlenecks that are keeping you from reaching your full potential.
In essence, we’re simply raising the level at which you play the game. And when you raise your level, you ALSO begin to attract a whole new level of clientele.
Bottom line: I’ve found that there isn’t just one magic bullet for fixing all your business problems. Instead, you need to take a look at the business as a whole, and consistently fine-tune each system.
That’s why I created the 360° Business Model - this approach helps you to focus your efforts so you get more done in less time.
Connect and shoot me a message to learn more about the 360° Business Model and how you can implement these principles in your business.