10 signs to be noticed to avoid working for a bad leader.

10 signs to be noticed to avoid working for a bad leader.

Bad leadership is the primary reason people look for new opportunities.

People can forgive innocent mistakes and human fallibility.? However, leaders that are incompetent and overly confident have an impact on organizations that can be catastrophic.

Leaders with big egos lack the ability to appraise their weaknesses and encourage open communication.? They set a precedent of descent by using fear and intimidation.

The result, status quo, and nothing ever changes.

It takes wisdom and maturity for people to provide the type of leadership required for success.

There’s an alarming trend in American business that will invariably impact our ability to compete internationally and cultivate quality work environments where people desire to flourish.

When we fail to hire the best candidates and most qualified people, we overlook the importance of setting standards that must be achieved.

Most organizations get distracted with irrelevant criteria that have no impact on a person’s ability to lead.

Hiring a person for all the wrong reasons results in resentment, dysfunction, poor productivity, and low job satisfaction.

There’s plenty of reasons that make a person a bad leader.

“Failing organizations are usually over-managed and under led.”- Stephen Covey.?

10 signs to be noticed to avoid working for a bad leader:??? ???


Poor leaders fail to address conflict and lose respect in the process.? When we don’t confront conflict or sweep it under the rug, it leaves the impression of weakness. We can’t please everyone, but avoiding conflict ensures we please no one.


Poor leaders lack the ability to be agile and adapt to changing circumstances.? We saw a lot of this during COVID 19.? Leaders that lacked flexibility and failed to “finesse” around the uncertainty of a pandemic.? Blind leaders get trapped by tunnel vision and often rule with an iron fist.? It’s stubborn and detrimental for success.


Many leaders are trained in the academic arena and learn to leverage rewards and punishment.? You do good, you get rewarded.? You do bad, you get punished.? Great leaders understand human emotion and remain flexible in their approach, especially as it pertains to people.? A closed mind is a dangerous leadership quality.


Bad leaders excuse unethical behavior and even reward it.? Once a leader starts to make concessions with their integrity, the decline is steady.? Shortcuts and greed never pay off, but poor leaders can’t resist the temptation of taking the easy route.? It’s a character flaw and someone we should avoid.???


We have all heard it said past performance is no indication of future success.? However, a leader with a proven track record is irreplaceable.? When someone consistently succeeds and prevails during economic challenges, they earn respect.? When we hire a person for all the wrong reasons, we get exactly what we deserve.? A lottery ticket that will likely leave us empty handed.?

“Nothing will kill a great employee faster than watching you tolerate a bad one.” -Perry Belcher



I am amazed at how many companies believe new policies and popular trends is the way to build strong company culture.? Asking people to conform and hiring consultants to evangelize about “ideas” that have no validity creates an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear.? Poor leaders cave into pressure that prevents public scrutiny.? Great leaders create a culture where people feel safe, welcome, heard, appreciated, and understood.? That takes something more than a policy change.???


Bad leaders are poor communicators and their inability to communicate is evident everywhere.? How they write. How they speak and how they communicate nonverbally.?? When a leader can’t communicate vision with passion and conviction.? Treating people will love and respect, and resist blasting off emotionally energized e mails, people feel threatened.? Great leaders are incredible communicators.


Bad leaders are arrogant and despite their feeble attempts to convey humility, its disingenuous.? They always posture and remind you of whose boss.? They take credit for everything and fail to offer accolades and appreciation.? Human kindness doesn’t come naturally because the world revolves around them. I call these people ME MONSTERS.


Poor leaders are difficult to predict, and people crave certainty.? When somebody’s mood meanders like a flag in the wind, we feel uncertain.? When leaders lack focus and clear vision, the organization lacks stability.? Mixed signals and erratic emotional behavior make people feel unsafe and we tip toe around without focus and purpose when leaders keep us on edge.


When we hire a person for all the wrong reasons, we aren’t doing that person any favors.? Great leaders have incredible vision, and they think ahead.? Great leaders understand innovation, flexibility, agility, and focus.? They always understand where the organization is going and articulate it clearly.? People the lack leadership aptitude stumble and cover their errors up with bravado.? Watching our government fumble through COVID 19 comes to mind.??? ?

“A bad leader can take a good staff and destroy it, causing the best employees to flee and the remainder to lose all motivation.”

Sum it up.

Any other signs of bad leadership people should look out for?? Share your thoughts in the comments section and please like and share this article. I love learning from you as well.

About Steve:

Steve Wohlenhaus is CEO of Weatherology, the leading company in the world at disseminating audio weather information.?? Steve began his career as a major market television weather anchor in Minneapolis, where he received several Emmy Awards for science programming.? Steve is the author and host of the podcast program Anatomy of Success.? Reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn.? Learn more about my work and grab the free Weatherology mobile app by clicking any picture in this article!

Steve Litzow

Process Simulation Twin for Future-Proof Decisions.

2 天前

Recognizing bad leadership early saves a lot of frustration. Trust your instincts and choose mentors who inspire, not drain! Steve Wohlenhaus

Amy Kearney

Licensed Medical Esthetician/Medical Laser Practitioner/Open Networker

1 周

Nailed it Steve Wohlenhaus ??


Top 100 Thought leaders of the Year 2024|Top list of 250 Influencers & top voices-Top100 Algerian Creators on LinkedIn 2023|Founder, Artistic and Musical Director of "Algerian Women's Symphonic Ensemble"

1 周

Great insights my friend Steve Wohlenhaus ????

Wilton Rogers

Faith-Driven Automation & AI Thought Leader | Empowering Businesses to Scale Through Innovation by implementing "AI Agents" that never stop working | Follow my #AutomationGuy hashtag

1 周

This is such a valuable list! Steve Wohlenhaus. Being able to spot signs of a bad leader is crucial for our growth and success at work.

Olga Geidane

Award-winning keynote speaker | Management Consultant for Board of Directors, CXOs | Event host, Compere, MC | Expert in self-leadership, change and transformation | Mindset & relationship coach | Author

1 周

you are so spot on, COVID taught us so much and amplified bad leadership to the maximum level and beyond!


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