10 Setbacks to Flourishing You Need to Know About

10 Setbacks to Flourishing You Need to Know About

Abe Brown, MBA, M.R.Ed, PCC Flourishing is the goal. We all want to flourish in every aspect of our lives. What’s more, we were designed by our Creator with this natural capacity to thrive. The problem is that we often encounter experiences that hinder or shake our self-confidence in life. There’s good news to this, though: Your innate desire to flourish can be restored. And it starts with understanding the pitfalls that may hold you back.?

In this article, we’ll explore the 10 setbacks to flourishing that you need to know about. Keep reading to learn more.?

1. Unhealthy Beliefs

One of the most common problems I see with people who are struggling is that they—for some strange reason—argue for their limitations rather than against them. They have an unhealthy belief system that causes them to put a protective layer over the limiting beliefs that are hindering their growth in the first place!?

We can begin shifting this unhealthy dynamic to a more healthy and prosperous one by recognizing (and fighting for) our potential instead of our limitations.?

2. Boredom (Lack of Purpose)

Boredom is now quite what people think it is. While most believe boredom simply means having “nothing to do,” there’s actually a deeper, more dangerous element at play here: a lack of purpose. If you ever find yourself “bored,” what that really means is that you’re not connected to your purpose at that moment in time. The solution? Become absolutely laser-focused on your mission in life.?

When you have a purpose, there’s no such thing as boredom—the word boredom doesn’t exist in the purpose-driven person’s vocabulary. Nietzsche once said, “He who has a why can endure any how.” This means that as long as you have a powerful and compelling purpose driving you, you’ll have the capacity to overcome any setback or tribulation.

3. Inconsistent Boundaries

You don’t set boundaries to keep people out; instead, boundaries are more about ensuring that the right people are let in. So, try not to think of them as exclusion. Rather, they have exclusive access to the right individuals. If you lack consistent boundaries, you’ll find it challenging to stand up for yourself when necessary and to lead a flourishing, high-quality life.?

You’re the only one who can determine your non-negotiables. What will you and will not tolerate from others? It doesn’t matter whether it’s business partners, colleagues, friends, or even family. You have to stand up for these boundaries when they are violated.?

This simple tip will strengthen your confidence and self-worth. So, set your own personal and professional boundaries and watch your life skyrocket as a direct result.?

4. Bullies (Dream Thieves)

The unfortunate reality is that the world is filled with hurt people. And these kinds of individuals don’t like to see the light in others shine because their own light has been diminished. As a result, they can be a major setback on your flourishing journey. So, be careful about who you share your dreams and ideas with. Being too open about your goals may provoke unwanted criticism.

5. Not Enough Balance

Balancing your choices helps you to move through life in a stable way. Brash decisions can derail you, and that can set you back in life for years. So, if you want to facilitate flourishing in your life, you need to make the right choices to lead to a healthy and balanced life. Steven R. Covey, author of the famous classic 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, once said, “Wisdom is your perspective on life, your sense of balance, your understanding of how the various parts and principles apply and relate to each other.”

Supporting your sense of flourishing comes down to balance, and balance is the result of making the right choice over and over. Through this philosophy, you’ll create a strong foundation to stand on while creating a flourishing life.

6. Unhealthy Behaviour

Here is a simple question that can help you determine if the behaviour you’re engaging in is healthy or not: Is it beneficial, belittling, or bondage? In other words, does it benefit you, or does it belittle you, and can you stop it if you want to? Think of this simple question as the test that helps you factor in the quality of your behaviour. From there, you can make the choice whether to continue doing it or not.

7. Isolation (No Belonging)

We’re not meant to live life in isolation; it’s not good for us. However, on that same note, it’s still not healthy for us to surround ourselves with just anybody. We need the right people in our lives. You should surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you. You should be challenged by people to go higher and do better.?

Don’t waste your valuable time with people who don't contribute to your growth. Your destiny is too important.

8. Lack of Bravery

Brene Brown once said, “You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort, but you

cannot choose both.” So true. Everything you want is on the other side of fear. If you want to live a fun, passionate life, it comes from braving difficulty and discomfort. Everything has its price. And that price has to be paid if you want to enjoy the benefits.?

The good news is that anyone can develop bravery a little bit at a time. Through tiny steps taken on a daily basis, you move outside of your comfort zone; you can grow as a person. As a result, you stronger and more courageous and will then cultivate the capacity to handle bigger challenges.

9. Too Little Benevolence

When asked what he would do if he felt a nervous breakdown creeping in, famous psychiatrist Dr. Karl Menninger replied: “Leave your house, lock the door, cross the street, and find someone in need. Then do something to help that person.” Far too often, our attention is focused on ourselves. And while self-preservation is important, it can only take you so far.

Sooner or later, you have to begin looking outward beyond yourself to enjoy a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Giving to your fellow man (in whatever capacity makes sense for you and your situation) is a powerful way to improve your own mental well-being and live a flourishing life.

10. Not Enough Shine

If you’re like most people, you probably aren’t giving yourself enough credit. You are powerful beyond belief. Moreover, you have many gifts, skills, talents, and abilities to give to the world. Let them shine. Be the beacon of light that God intended you to be. One of the biggest setbacks to flourishing is not believing in your own light.?

So, starting today, begin to see the value that you have to offer. Also, start cultivating and developing that value. The more you shine that light, the more life will open up to you as you begin to expand and grow.


Setbacks are simply obstacles to overcome. This means that whatever is preventing you from flourishing can be surmounted. Your challenges do not limit or define you. Instead, with the right mindset, they can actually embolden you. And that’s where the power of flourishing truly begins. And the best part? We at Certified Flourishing Coach are here to help facilitate that.

Our team of expert coaches works from a proven, evidence-based system to create a flourishing personal and professional life. So whether you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, aspiring coach, speaker, or organizational leader, we can help. If you’re ready to flourish in life and business, contact us today to learn more.

About the Author

Abe Brown, MBA, CMCT, CPHSA is the Coach’s Coach, and is an Entrepreneur, Professional Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, and High-Performance Leadership Coach. He is the founder of?Certified Flourishing Coaching??and?Flourishing Workplace. Abe is also the author of the Certified Flourishing Coaching? Programs.


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