10 secrets to cut PR costs and maintain your reputation
10 secrets to cut PR costs and maintain your reputation eBook

10 secrets to cut PR costs and maintain your reputation

Don’t kick off your year out of pocket. Instead of chasing pennies, chase reputation by thinking smarter about how you position yourself in your market. From insurtech to adtech, DevOps infrastructure to cybersecurity tools and more, no matter where your technology sits or who it helps, make 2024 the year you hyper focus your PR and marketing budget and strategy. Not sure where to make changes? Here are our top 10 tips:

1. Replace your big legacy agency

The most obvious PR cut is to replace your large, unfocused, legacy PR agency. Changing business environments require fresh approaches. Start by reassessing the value your current PR provides to check the results reflect what you need today.

? Should you be less proactive on earnings or personnel changes at this time? ?Would it pay to focus on niche audiences? ? Why invest swollen fees when you can cut your cloth to match the times?

Now is the time to make a Positive change.

2. Combine PR, social and lead gen tactics

The tech industry believes more is more, constantly innovating and bundling powerful features. Spreadsheets became dashboards, word processors merged with dropboxes and customer databases are now CRM systems. PR delivers brand credibility in good times and bad, if blended with other marketing tactics. Combining earned media outreach with lead generation and social amplification boosts sales campaigns.

Integrate with Positive.?

3. Have your PR agency train your team

Legacy PR agencies encourage client dependency. Positive accepts our clients know their own tech best. We believe dynamic in-house teams can cost-effectively perform traditional PR activities without incurring fees, including:

? Does your agency present pure sponsorship deals as speaking engagements? ? Are all your media training sessions documented and reused? ? Can your in-house team draft campaign messaging before the agency checks it for press-worthiness?

Thought so. Ask Positive how.

Read more here to unleash the full PR cost-cutting arsenal! You can also download our ultimate PR cost-saving eBook here.



