10 Rules for Successful Life and Career
Do your homework
Knowledge of your trade and marketing, whatever you need to be successful at it. You won't have time to learn later on.
Develop your own style
Every successful man develops and adopts a good style of renowned personal heroes.
Put your family life in order
Settle your family life!
Know your weakness
Know, accept, and try to refine your weaknesses. Don't make a public display of them.
Know your strengths
List down and further polish them.
Keep a million bucks away
Nothing is more depressing than absolute dependency. Put enough money away so that you have money to live for a year or two otherwise you will have to swallow every bitter swab or whatever your corporation or boss or colleagues want you to swallow.
Build a success network
The network of friends, obligated people, professional colleagues, and those who care and can help you in professional and private life.
Learn to delegate
Delegation is half the success.
Keep your mouth shut
Don't gossip! Don't talk about your plans, make sure you play your cards, keeping them close to your chest. More careers have been aborted by careless talk than by anything else. Learn to kee quite, look wise. Secrecy is golden.
Built your self-confidence
With a succession of your successes, build strong self-confidence and credibility. Don't worship false gods.
The author is a seasoned agile project management professional and has a passion for coaching individuals, teams, and organizations to achieve their A-game and deliver world-class projects.