10 Rules for the Life
Try to follow in Daily routine ,For me, happiness is not a destination. It is not something to pursue. Don’t wait for happiness. Don’t save up for happiness. Don’t chase happiness. Happiness is a choice to see the beauty in every day. Happiness is a conscious celebration of the precious gift of life and all of your blessings. Happiness is a journey
1.Daily work out, walking or Yoga
2. Sleep well
3. Eat Healthy , try for the Organic food
4. Hope for the Best & also be ready for the worst - live with gratitude
5. Stop over thinking - stop comparing yourself to others
6.Take Responsibility- surround yourself with happy and strong , honest people
7.Forgive Yourself ,Learn from mistakes - fill your life with love and kindness practice forgiveness everyday
8. Set Goals - find your purpose in life , live in the moments
9.Smile and Laugh more never loose your inner child
10.Be Greatful & help needy person - dont chase material things
Small things you do can truly change one's life, and they reflect in positive effects as dominos...one to another, and to the others. Small thing like this article.
This list is simply a reflection of my personal thoughts, experiences, and values in life; and it may or may not be valid for you. It is by no means an exhaustive list. That being said, these 10 guiding principles and values have helped me tremendously in my life and I hope that a few of them will help you too. Do good. Live what you love. And never give up. May your journey of unleashing your greatness in life be a happy and fulfilling one!
Ananth R. Bhedke .IHM MBA CHA
Founder -Ahvana Hotels