10 Resolutions for 2025 - Employee Evaluations and Equipment Purchases
Bruce Warkentin, CPA, CA, CBV
National Leader of Horticulture and Irrigation #mnpisgrowing
I have been posting this year about 10 farm resolutions for 2025.? This has triggered various surveys on X to figure out how many of my followers are implementing these.? This week I did a couple surveys related to resolutions 5 and 9:
The 5th resolution is doing employee evaluations. ?
Ensuring you have proper HR policies and procedures in place is critical for a successful farm.? Unfortunately, my survey paints a picture that requires a great deal of work.? Of the farmers who responded; nobody has formal employee evaluations and are learning from them.? The remainder either had employee evaluations and nothing changes; or don’t have any at all!? This is a significant area that farmers should be working on as it is the difference between having a reliable workforce and struggling to find people.
The 9th resolution is developing an asset purchase plan.?
This isn’t a formal procedure that I have, rather it is a discussion that I have with farmers to discuss how they are going to finance their next purchase.? My discussion here is strictly about optimizing tax deductions and not whether the machinery is needed.? This is a different part of this analysis.?
Here are all of the 10 resolutions for 2025. Check them out and consider implementing them on your farm!