10 reasons why your sales pipeline isn’t delivering consistent sales
NZ Entrepreneur Magazine
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Has your sales pipeline slowed and you want to increase revenue?
Even in a tight market, there are ways to grow a healthy pipeline that delivers consistent sales revenue – just like your sales pipeline should!
If you’re wondering what to do to unblock your sales pipeline and get your sales revenue flowing, this check-list is a great place to get started.
Here are the top 10 reasons why your sales pipeline isn’t delivering consistent sales:
1. No sales plan
You’ve probably heard it said – failing to plan is planning to fail.
An inconsistent sales pipeline highlights the lack of a strategic sales plan, or the lack of your team following the plan. This leads to a drop in sales.
2. Low sales skills
To successfully follow a sales plan, your business needs:
Selling in a tight market? Be sure to tell your customers how you mitigate risk.
3. Inadequate market intelligence
Market intelligence should focus on your customers, not the competition.
Now take action to create products and services that your customers want to buy.
4. Lack of product/market fit
It’s hard work trying to sell to people who don’t think they have a problem to solve, or who won’t consider changing how they solve the problem.
The easiest way to get more consistency in your sales pipeline?
5. Wrong price point
Focus on selling the value of what you do, not just quick sales at low prices.
6. Your sales process is too ‘old school’
If your sales process is too ‘old school’, you’ll have deep relationships, but likely run out of time to build more relationships with new potential clients.
Incorporate social selling to connect with ideal clients, scale faster, and future- proof revenue as young decision-makers start to come through the ranks.
7. Shallow account management
If you only relate to one person, sales revenue becomes vulnerable when that person leaves the company.?
Focus on deep account management to build relationship with several key decision-makers and influencers. This will grow referrals and repeat business.
8. Lack of proactive outbound sales
Lack of proactive outbound sales is a big risk in a tight market, where uncertain customers can be hesitant to make decisions.
Adjust your website and marketing messaging. Add proactive outbound sales to build trusted relationships that grow your sales revenue.
9. No sales process
Lack of sales process is a roadblock to sales growth. Signs that your business lacks sales process include:
10. No CRM or sales tools
Selling without a CRM (Customer Relationship Management system) creates an invisible ‘sales ceiling’ that’s hard to break through.
A well-utilised CRM plus the right sales tools will enhance your data and processes. And you’ll close more sales.
Take action to unblock your sales pipeline
How did you go with the top 10 reasons? This list is not exhaustive, but it’s a good ‘pulse check’ on where your sales pipeline is blocked.
It’s not uncommon for your sales pipeline to be blocked in several places.
It’s also not uncommon for your sales pipeline to be blocked, yet your business is still comfortably turning over 6 to 7-figures in revenue.
Whether you go after new clients or focus on clients you’re already serving, it pays to unblock your sales pipeline. This is always the quickest way to deliver consistent sales for your business, and get the full ROI for any investment in your sales.
Mary Crampton is the Owner and Principal Consultant at Magnify Consulting
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