10 Reasons Why You Must Start or Improve Managing Your Own Brain. 10 Benefits of Managing Your Own Brain.
Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)
?Resultsologist ? Strategy, Performance, Problem-Solving & Solutions Consultant?ISWM?Speaker? Planner ?Climate, Pollution, Environment ?SDGs ?Training & Education?Leadership?Entrepreneurship/Business/Marketing/Sales
Your brain operates automatically in many respects. It processes zillions of information bytes every second and makes so many decisions during the same second without you having any conscious awareness of it and without you having any conscious control of the cognitive and emotional processes. I know you know this already but it is too important to avoid reminding each other. This fast automatic information processing is very important for many reasons but can also be very counterproductive and even dangerous in some situations. This is why it is important that we manage our own personal brains and improve how we use them.
The point is not to take 100 percent conscious control of how the brain operates 100 percent of the time. The point is about knowing when to allow the brain go fully automatic, when to allow the brain to operate semi-automatically and also when to take direct change and control of the brain and guide it so that it operates the right way or better.
The first and most important reason for managing the brain is so that it can make better decisions for us or with us. Yet ask you;
Are we our brains?
I think we are not our brains although our brains are part of us. Our brains are organs or machines that we need for physical existence and survival.
If our brains are machines or tools; then we must directly manage them the same way we manage other parts of our bodies such as our teeth, skin, hair, heart, legs and arms. ?Yet we don’t! It is not crazy that we actually do not directly manage our brains when it is our brains that;
1.???? Make decisions-The brain is not very good and making rational decisions
2.???? Think, imagine, invent, innovate and create
3.???? Solve problems
4.???? Create problems
5.???? Generate and manage emotions
6.???? Manage physical dangers and keep us alive
7.???? Manage all the other bodily processes and functions
8.???? Learn and process information
9.???? Creates knowledge and information
10.? Store and recover knowledge and information
11.? Control or direct all movement and action
12.? Create and manage our social interactions and relationships
13.? Manage and are responsible for all human performance
14.? Responsible for all results produced by humans
15.? Interprets and provides meaning to life and experiences
16.? Generates theories
I want to repeat reasons why managing your own brain is so vital to do if you haven’t started. I also want to say these reasons if you have started managing your brain and why it is important to do it more and better. Here are the core reasons;
1.???? Your brain health may be at risk
2.???? Your Brain Can Be a Danger to Other People
3.???? Your Brain Can be a Danger to Yourself
4.???? Your Brain Might Not Be Performing at its Peak
5.???? Your Brain Might Be Suffering Physiological Damage
6.???? Your Brain May Not Be Giving Your Best Mental Life
7.???? Your brain might be stopping you from more success into the future
8.???? Your brain might be preventing you from seeing and seizing opportunities
9.???? You brain could be imagining barriers (that do not exist) to your goals
10.? Your brain can be misleading you from achieve better results and better performance
The Benefits of Managing Your Brain or Improving How You Manage Your Brain
Here are some of the most important reasons for managing your brain;
1.???? ?You reduce the risk of brain diseases including those associated with aging such as dementia
2.???? You reduce the risk of dangers to others caused by emotion-driven automatic brain reactions and actions such as physical and verbal violence
3.???? You reduce the number and impacts of brain’s automatic decisions that can be a danger to yourself. For example, your brain can easily pull you into a very bad argument or even a physical fight.
4.???? Many brains do not perform at their peak because they are not well-managed. They operate below potential.
5.???? Your brain is exposed to the environment and may by now be compromised by using false information and assumptions and beliefs from other brains.
6.???? Your mental quality of life including how you feel about life and yourself is very much dependent on how well you manage your brain.
7.???? Many people are victims of their brains. They miss opportunities to achieve more and solve many of their problems because of how their brains are processing things in terms of the problems and their solutions. Many problems are relative but your brain may see them as absolute. Improving your brain helps you to solve more problems by changing how it makes decisions.
8.???? You increase your brain’s ability to see and sieze opportunities.
9.???? Managing your brains helps your brain to see and overcome the barriers to your goals that it creates or imagines; barriers that are mostly imaginary.
10.? Managing your brains helps you produce a better performance and better results.
Will Everyone Be Willing and Able to Manage Their Own Brains
?Regrettably, not everyone will be moved to take personal brain management as part of one’s key result areas. These people will never experience major changes in the qualities of their mental lives and they will never enjoy the higher performance and better results that arise from personal brain management or improvement in managing their own brain. They may become aware of the need to manage emotions but they will not awaken to this need. Others maybe moved but will not take it seriously. Yet the few who awaken and take serious, decisive action will unbelievable results of personal brain management.
I am not sure where you fall among these categories of people.
To you greatness!
[email protected] +263-77-444-74-38
?Simon Bere, 2023