10 reasons why The Economist mediated Future History & ER from 1972
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab
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The Economist (1, 2) was founded by London Scot James Wilson 1843 to mediate a change in London Empire from slave-making coloniser to commonwealth. Specifically Queen Victoria approved:
Mediating these communal and entrepreneurial leadership directions was to sail into choppy water- yes the 2nd editor (James son-in-law Walter Bagehot) did assist Victoria in changing the English Constitution towards commonwealth but not in time for what had become the 7 white G8 empires & Japan to compound the second world war. The Economist's own centenary biography in 1943 rues how much more intergenerational work there was for a weekly newspaper to live up to Wilson's purpose. Moreover, Wilson himself had died of diarrhea months into 1860 landing in Calcutta with his intention of banking by and for local peoples.
10 reasons why dad Norman Macrae as Economist post-war sub-editor made Future History and Entrepreneurial Revolution his system mapping concerns.
ER1 20th C Atlantic Badwill (Dismal Spirits) Lurking: 70 years after James' demise my father entered 1930s being home schooled in British embassies in Europe where my grandad worked for British Embassies. In fact dad had been born into today's sad country of Belarus and age 11 found himself in the British Embassy of Stalin's Moscow. Father sensed not only the coming war but the disaster that one of 2 mad men Stalin and Hitler would be victorious.
ER2 Dad spent his last days as a teenage navigator in allied bomber command Burma Campaign. From this experience he had google maps in his mind unlike anyone in his generation. It was clear the majority of the world's people had been left out of the first 180 years of machines started up in Glasgow. How could there be any peace/happiness until this was reconciled. Dad went on to marry the daughter of sir kenneth kemp- diaspora scots family whose several generations in Bombay had brought the city's first pharmacy. Sir Ken was Chief Justice dialoguing with Gandhi for 25 years before writing up legalese of India's Independence.
ER3 Surviving ww2, Dad was in Keynes last class at cambridge. In Keynes final chapter of general theory of money, interest , employment he explains why peoples futures are increasingly locked in exponentially by the handful of economists whose theories are turned into legislative rules. Therefore assuming most humans don't want extinction, we need to remap future history and end the reign of "fake economists" ie those whose ruling monopoly is why we of the 2020s are breaching nature's last tipping points
ER4 Dad's two biggest scoops of the 1950s meeting von neumann (and becoming his biographer); only journalists at Eu's birth at Messina 1955. Sadly in 1962 the EU system design changed from core purpose of peace to an agricultural policy which most hurt newly independent nations that France and Britian were most responsible for. Valuing entrepreneurial ops of 100 times more tech per decade (neumann's legacy) needs parliaments replacing most lawyers by engineers.
ER5 Fifteen years into work at The Economist dad was permitted to sign one annual survey. He chose first to survey his war time foe Japan; with great joy he reported Japan had started a chain reaction of 2 models (already uniting korea south and taiwan) around which all Asian people might rise (100% village productivity and inclusion ie rural keynes, and supercity models -with better quality engines, win-win infrastructures, tech playing to fast innovation and integrating sme startup supply chains across far East supercities. Kennedy agreed these models but with his assassination a year later dc administrations did a uturn- the washington consensus excluded both Asia Rising models even as von neumann tech makes them sustainable and the old DC mindset exactly opposite to youth SDG needs everywhere. If you reflect, its amazing that kennedy could tune 1960s into declaring moon race decade as way that youth could celebrate 100 times new tech but not one -subsequent decade has challenge youth to unite a future worthy goal.
ER6 From 1970 a species of economist took over the profession hiring themselves out to big politics, big lobbies, big corporates or all three. From then on father prefered to distinguish himslef as future historian or advocate of entrepreneurial revolution - ie triuangularisng corporate and government by bottom-up community building models. In particular 1972's future history asks readers to project timelines as to when tech will need to redesign finace , food, heaalth, education, community building if sustainability communities not orrellian big brotherdom is the endgame we want tech to integrate locally into globally.
ER7 With Romano Prodi, 1976's enetrepeurial revolution was moer specific about how every big wetern constitution of organisation would need changing if w egrandparensta dn parents are to value millennials
ER8 we can specifically define industrial revolution 3 as needing to be era of multi-win not zero sum modeling. Why well the good news is kwnowho sharing of life critical apps multipliues value in use unlike consuming up things. However we also need to model compound risks ahead of time and end the idea (pervasive where corporate audits are short-term) of externalising risk . Nuumanns tech means that man ius starting to design organsiations on nature\s scale. Historically seaparte civilisations have collapsed whenb careless with nature's designs that are bottom-up and open; from 1970s we needed to see man's biggest orga nsiations could destroy all of us.
Er 9 In 1984 i co-authored 2025report.com with much more sepcific 40 yera timelines and tech advances than 1972's future history. Almsot every tech capabnolity has come to pass but the transformations needed to align purposes of trillion dollar marekt sectirs with contributions to sdgs have not.
ER10 Ironically it is the 7 whoite G8 empires that have regressed into a neo-colonialism. The 3 huge chnage forces - go green, 100 tmes more tech, map more equality of infrastructure have not been valued sustainably by most of the westren world's largest gov and corporate/ Whats going on in other hemispheres is a bit more nuanced.