10 Reasons To Use a Recruiter
10 Reasons To Use a Recruiter

10 Reasons To Use a Recruiter

Candidates, have you been in touch with a recruiter recently? Are you unsure of the benefits that recruiters provide?

Look no further! Recruiters…

1. Submit you to positions, you don’t need to apply!

Recruiters do all the work for you! No need to apply to 100’s of jobs, we handle the job search process for you.

2. Only represent you to roles that are in your ideal salary range, work style, and requested job duties/responsibilities.

Have you ever seen a job posting and didn’t understand if the role was hybrid, in-person, or remote? Does the job posting include the salary or the potential pay range? Once you partner with a recruiter, we only submit you to roles that are within your specifications!

3. Fix your resume!

We double-check your spelling and grammar and correct any formatting issues.

4. Help you guide the market.

Have you ever wondered what you could be potentially making if you left your current role? RightClick is one of the most-trusted market professionals in the IT and Technology sector. We can help you understand what compensation you deserve and how to navigate the always-changing job market.

5. Have exclusive roles that are not posted to the public.

RightClick has partnerships with companies that don’t post all their roles on general job boards. We can help you find roles that are exclusive to the relationships built by RightClick!

6. Always keep in contact about your status in the interview process and provide feedback to roles you were submitted to.?

Tired of not hearing back from jobs you spent hours applying to? RightClick lets you know exactly where you are in the process! You deserve to know where you are in every interview process.?

7. Provide interview prep!

With RightClick, we make sure you have all the details you’ll need to succeed in your interviews!

8. Provide professional career guidance and support.

If you’re unsure if the role would be a good fit or if the benefits outweigh any potential cons of leaving your current role, we will talk through what the decision could mean for you and your career to help you decide! We are a career partner, not just a job search partner.

9. Create long lasting relationships.

Even after you land the role that is perfect for you, RightClick will check-in to make sure you are satisfied in your job! We want you to be happy in your career for the long-term! Even years down the road, we will remember you by name and be sure to check in to make sure you are satisfied and compensated fairly.

10. A free and career changing service!

That’s right, completely free!



