10 Reasons Business Owners Should Consider ...

10 Reasons Business Owners Should Consider ...

If you've been following any of my posts lately, you might have noticed I've been promoting something called "MLSP" (My Lead System Pro) ...

Perhaps you have heard about it, maybe you haven't

In any case, I decided to share 10 reasons why ANY business owner should check out MLSP and how it benefits ANY business. 

( I could probably list 20, but wanted to keep this article short)

So here goes: 

1. Be of Value - 

This is probably my personal #1 reason.  Having marketed online for years now, I honestly grew tired of trying to find some way to pitch my business and get people to buy MY thing

EVERYONE and ANYONE can throw a link up and tell you buy their deal, but few provide value....if you buy from them or not. 

When people see you being of value consistently, they come back and eventually, they buy. 

This may sound easy, but I'm here to tell you, it's not as easy as you might think. 

It is way to easy to get sucked up into the them of pushing and selling your product without considering how you are being of value. 

2. Easy Free Tools and Resources to Share 

This is my 2nd favorite reason to check out MLSP.  Even if you have no experience, no knowledge, no technical skills and no clue what product you could sell or give away...

NO worries, MLSP has TONS of free training, resources, tools and products to offer to others. Some cost, most don't. 

3. Free Weekly Marketing Training with 6 & 7 Figure Earners

This sort of goes hand in hand with #2, but each and every week you can participate in FREE weekly online marketing training about how to build your business. 

For example, last week there was a Twitter Training that was OUT OF THIS WORLD. 

I thought I knew  a few things about Twitter but after this training, OMG. Everything shown was easy, affordable and best of all...EFFECTIVE. 

4. Morning Calls To Keep You On Track 

Now as a business owner you might be thinking you have NO time to be listening to a call each day.  Truth is, you can't afford NOT to check in.  

Best of all, the calls are short and sweet (about 15 minutes) and MORE importantly, helps get your mind and mindset in the right place. 

Bonus: lots of great marketing tips and strategies and ways to build your existing business are also shared her in bite size format. 

5. MLSP does NOT compete with your existing business 

MLSP is NOT an mlm, direct sales, etc. It is a training, education, and resource helping anyone build ANY business. 

Being part of MLSP doesn't take you away from what you are doing, it merely shows you how to show up in front of people that actually WANT what you have and come looking for you. 

Ever get those emails or direct message from people telling you to click their link and buy their XYZ?  Yea, no fun right?  You will NOT be doing that so in case you happen to be a person that markets that way, you'll learn how to get people messaging YOU instead. 

6. NO more chasing family and friends or spamming people with business links

With the strategies learned and shared in MLSP, you will no longer be chasing your friends and family in hopes of building your MLM.  

If you've done this, then you might know the feeling of being in the NFL (no friends left) club.  

This is when people practically run from you when they see you coming because they know you'll be pitching the latest thing you are marketing. 

Friends, this is NO way to build business!

7. Brand Yourself and YOUR Business. 

People join LEADERS, people they respect and trust. It is critical that no matter what business you are building, you begin branding yourself.  ALL top earners embrace this concept.

If you've been marketing online for any amount of time, or perhaps, been in at least one MLM, you know that businesses come and go and none are guaranteed to be around forever.  

It is critical you brand YOU - people will join YOU, not some product. Once they've become loyal followers, what you promote in the back end is almost unimportant.  Trust me, I've seen this first hand!

We show you how to create a buzz with proven MLSP Attraction Marketing Strategies!

8. Earn Money Even When People Don't Join You!

Truth is, only about 5-10% will actually join Your MLM or business.  Why not discover how to make money from the 90% who say no!

Not only that, see # 2.  If you don't have a product of your own yet,  MLSP has highly VALUABLE PRODUCTS ALREADY MADE FOR YOU that you just customize and sell and earn commissions from them! 

9. Custom Relationship Manager (CRM)

6 & 7- figure earners ALL leverage a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager).  If you've looked at the price of the good ones, you know this could be expensive.  MLSP offers a built in CRM already integrated at NO extra cost

10. You’ll get training in Social Media Marketing, Twitter, Facebook Strategies, How to set up a Blog or Website and how to learn SEO and or Search Engine Optimization…in order to get your Blog or Website on Google’s first page.  

No explanation needed here right?!?!   If you know anything about content marketing, you know how valuable a blog can be and how the top earners are using them to build their business. 

Trouble is, if you go about starting a blog of your own, customizing it, running it, back it up, etc. you soon learn how complicated (and expensive) this process can be. (assuming you use self hosted Wordpress) 

(don't even get me started on why Free blog sites won't work)

MLSP Sites eliminates ALL of this but giving you a SEO friendly, 100% customizable blog, to help you easily get ranked in search engines. 

Even better, you don't have to know a thing about Wordpress, Sites offers a step by step training tutorial for the brand new person all the way up to advanced blogger. 

So here in a nutshell, is why you see me promoting My Lead System Pro these days.  

Frankly, I like being able to offer value to people while I learn how to be of more value in my business.  Win Win for me! 

Leave me a comment or question about what you've read here today! 

To YOUR Success, 

Regina L Floyd
Online Business Development


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