10 Questions to Raise the Bar on your Leadership Next Year

10 Questions to Raise the Bar on your Leadership Next Year

“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.”? – Margaret J. Wheatley

As the year comes to a close, it’s natural to look forward to a bit of a break and the promise of a fresh start in January. But too often we proceed without looking back to appreciate where we’ve been and to reflect on the weakest links in our leadership.

This process doesn’t cost a penny and only takes a couple of hours to thoughtfully complete.

The psychological benefits of reflecting on past events are well-documented. For example, A University of Zurich study found that reflecting on past challenges aids in processing future negative experiences, boosting both self-efficacy and resilience.

Indeed, there’s a tremendous value to pausing, reflecting, and taking stock of what worked and what didn’t work for you, your team, and your organization over the past year.

Before you rush into 2024, use the waning weeks of 2023 wisely to look back and assess. This reflection will help you derive meaning, value, and actionable next steps from both accomplishments and shortcomings of the past year.

To guide you in this important process, here are 10 key questions to ask yourself that set the stage for a thoughtful and productive assessment.?

  1. Where did I miss the mark as a leader this past year? (Be brutally honest with yourself here.) Based on this reflection, what behaviors do I need to change in the coming year?
  2. What is one behavior that I will stop tolerating in others next year?
  3. What is one behavior that I will stop tolerating in myself next year?
  4. How clearly have I defined and communicated the direction, strategy, and priorities of the business to employees?
  5. Who in my personal and/or professional life do I need to deliberately distance myself from?
  6. Who in my personal and/or professional life do I need to move closer to?
  7. Which members of my external professional team (accountant, financial adviser, legal counsel, coach, etc.) are no longer the right fit, given where I am in my personal and professional life right now?
  8. Where in my life am I creating an unhealthy codependency? What must change?
  9. Where do I need to define or strengthen a boundary to help me achieve something important?
  10. Which client, supplier, and/or partner relationships should I upgrade / replace to accelerate the business?


“Self-reflection is a humbling process. It’s essential to find out why you think, say, and do certain things…then better yourself.” —Sonya Teclai

Although there are certainly additional questions you can ask to plumb the depths of your leadership, I’ve purposefully kept the list short to encourage you to think deeply rather than broadly.

As you contemplate these with the level of thought and sincerity they require, you’ll uncover answers that make you uncomfortable. Lean into that discomfort, because it’s the indicator of the way toward a better future.

If you’re feeling brave and open to feedback, engage others who you respect and trust. They’ll provide input and feedback to overcome blind spots in your own thinking, helping you answer the questions more rigorously.

While each new year brings the excitement of a fresh start, reflecting on the prior year’s challenges and accomplishments yields valuable insights to help you improve as a leader. May your reflection on this past year help you set the stage for accelerated growth in 2024.

All the best for a healthy, fulfilling, and prosperous new year!


More Options to Accelerate Your Leadership Growth and Success…

Stephen Walton, PMI-ACP

Strategic Advisor / Agile Coach

8 个月

I generally say “Belated Happy New Year” to select floks I see throughout Jan. Whereas in Feb I pause to access how my Resolution, that I keep private, is playing out. I have always considered my efforts in the Energy industry as a “Gentleman Farmer.” As in put in an earnest long hard days work and in time yield the harvest of one’s labor. I have never wanted nor sought to be a Leader yet when one finds oneself in a Strange Situation one has to embrace it with a “Brave Heart.”

Herbert Dola

Strategic Leader | Expert in Program Management, DEI & Health Systems Strengthening | Driving Sustainable Impact & Organizational Growth

11 个月

Mark Green, thank you very much for these tough questions. Leadership, to be brutally honest, is not a walk in the park. But with focus and self-awareness, one can get it almost right as there is nothing as 100% competency in leadership. Ad a leader I struggle, to be honest, but am happy because I know what I need to do and what I need to stop doing. It is called work in progress to attain the highest standards possible.

Adele McGrath

Passionate, people-centric club general manager with a global background in the health, wellness, & leisure industries. Committed to operations, fostering team excellence, and cultivating unforgettable moments.

11 个月

Thank you for posting this, Mark; I believe it is important for any of us who lead departments to reflect on these questions at this time of year. It is the time of year when many start to think of their resolutions for January 1st, and it is just as important to make professional resolutions. People change as they go through life, and various experiences can alter a person's outlook and personality over time. How many times have we sat around and jokingly asked work colleagues, If you go back and do it again, what would you change? And some people consider it and make the necessary changes. Do not be afraid to do so. As a leader, I particularly like Question 7. As a result, a good leader should recognise when a member of their team is no longer truly meant to be on the team, and we should help guide them toward what they want to do while also offering support to let them know it is okay to change. Change is positive.

Mark Green, How do you approach the process of year-end reflection and assessment to drive leadership and growth in your organization?



