10 Proven Ways to Improve Work Efficiency
I don’t want to pass up the opportunity to share an article I read about 10 Proven Ways to Improve Work Efficiency. Here are a few highlights:
From the smallest start-up to the biggest corporation, most businesses have one shared goal: to improve their results. To do this, they need to focus on efficiency in the workplace.
In essence, improving efficiency in the workplace is about?helping employees work smarter, not harder. Figuring out how to work efficiently can improve productivity, growth and profits with the same resources.
1. Understand Personal Time Management
Time management is the cornerstone of improved efficiency and productivity in the workplace. After all, if we’re mismanaging our time then we’re surely mismanaging our tasks. However, we live in an age of digital distraction. With the technological tools available today, employees can access more information than ever before.
2. Develop Effective Collaboration
Sometimes, improving work efficiency can be as simple as improving the way that we collaborate. Employees may prefer to be solitary squirrels or a cooperative colony of ambitious ants – either way, each of us can stand to streamline our styles of collaboration.
3. Get Proactive with Performance
Once again, the conversation on how to increase efficiency in the workplace needs to center on the true driver of improvement: developing the capacity and skills of your employees. This helps put the time and resource costs of performance management in their proper perspective—as an investment in your employees, not an inefficient use of funds.
4. Set Achievable Goals
Setting realistic goals can help maintain motivation, inspire new ways of working and create an altogether more efficient workplace. On the other hand, unreasonable goals with impractical deadlines can make people feel lethargic, disheartened and unproductive.
5. Learn How to Say No
Encourage your employees to, respectfully, say no to each other. Whether they are already tackling a busy week or if they just need to reserve some time for their own personal development, there is nothing wrong with turning down opportunities if they’re not helpful. Not only will this help with prioritisation and time management, but they’re more likely to do a better job on the work they’re already dealing with if they aren’t taking on anything extra.
6. Give Yourself a Break
Workplace burnout has been referred to as ‘the great exhaustion’ by McKinsey and is a very real threat to job satisfaction and efficiency in the workplace. In fact, a recent?Gallup poll ?found that employees experiencing burnout are 63% more likely to take a sick day and more than twice as likely to be looking for a new job. Not great news for improving efficiency in the workplace.
7. Develop a Routine that Works for You
Workplace efficiency doesn’t just exist in the office – your daily routine can have a huge impact on how you work. Remote workers, hybrid workers and office devotees should all have a good daily routine that inspires productivity. One way of encouraging this is by introducing a?flexible workplace ?so your employees can strike the right balance between themselves and their work.
Want to know more? Head on over to the full article here for more ideas and perspective. Afterwards, why not drop me an email to share your thoughts at [email protected]; or call me on 0467 749 378.