10 #ProTips on Running and Walking Form
Amy Rupertus Peacock
Run Form Coach. Digital Strategist. CoAuthor of Old Breed General about my Marine grandfather in WWII Pacific.
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10 #ProTips for Injury Free Running & Walking ?
Do you like to run and walk but are prone to injuries? As a Master Chi Running instructor since 2008, I coach my students to focus on good form-with every step they take.
This includes all fitness activities. From personal experience running and exercising over 30 years and training my clients, I can attest good form and mindfulness prevent injury. ?
Here are 10 Running & Walking #ProTips
1.??? Posture is Key. How is your posture as you read this? Straighten up, buttercup! Keep your head, shoulders, hips, and feet aligned in a vertical column, with feet parallel and facing forward. Sit, stand, walk, and run tall. Note how this sweet posture looks in the mirror.
Practice good posture all the time. This is especially important now with many of us hunched over our phones and computers all day.
2.? Engage Your Core: This is your powerhouse. An engaged core helps prevents falls and makes you a stronger walker, runner and rucker.
3.? Use Your Arms: Drop your shoulders and set your arms parallel and at a 90-degree angle. Then, as you walk and run, allow arms to glide back and forth naturally. Think “elbows back.”
4.?? Run and Walk More Midfoot: Feel your whole foot underneath you. Take shorter, quicker strides. You can body sense this running barefoot (on grass).
5.? Move Forward: Allow your center of mass to fall forward. As you fall forward in that vertical column, you will move forward effortlessly. This technique from physics is also your gas pedal.
6.? Get Your Groove On: Run to cadence, ideally 175-180 steps/beats per minute using a small metronome or music app with tunes you love. I recommend the tiny Seiko Metronome (DM51B) you can clip on your shorts. You can also walk and run to the waltz. Right 2, 3. Left, 2.3….
7.?? Be Mindful: As you walk and run, focus on your form, and the nature around you – not your job, or to do list. How are you moving through space? Are your shoulders tight? How can you relax them to run with more ease?? Keep eyes out for uneven pavement and distracted drivers.
8.? Check Your Shoes: Ditch the heavy clunkers, or shoes with high heel to toe ratio that drag you down or promote heel striking. Try a more neutral, cushioned, lightweight shoe.
9.? Listen to Your Body: Address discomfort and adjust form. Perhaps do a longer warm up and stretch. But seek professional help from a PT or doctor if you have persistent pain.
10.?????? Strength Train and Stretch: Incorporate strength training and yoga/mobility sessions 2-3 times a week to enhance your running and walking. This will also counter muscle atrophy/age related sarcopenia that begins in our 30’s.
Try these tips and let me know how you do. Or, if you have questions.
I promised something fascinating for reading this newsletter! ?
Behold the reindeer! This is a photo by Carl Johnson of Arctic Light Photography. I love the serene beauty of this moment and so many of his photos. See more of the Northern Lights in all their celestial glory through his lens: https://www.arcticlight-ak.com/gallery/northernlights/3/"
Wishing you and yours happy running and walking!
Cheers to your good health and a wonderful Holiday Season.?
-Amy R. Peacock
?Master Chi Running Instructor
Fitness Trainer