Reflecting on the end of 2019 and the goals and intentions for 2020, I've put together 10 Principles for a fulfilled life. They're concepts that have made a difference for me and intentions that I'm setting for next year as guiding principles.
1. You can be imperfect and still succeed.
2. You will never know ALL the steps of the process to get 'there' and yet by taking the next step, then the next, and the next, eventually you will find yourself at your destination.
3. You can feel fear and be brave and take action anyway.
4. You are capable of so much more than you believe yourself to be - you just have to give yourself the chance to show yourself how true that is.
5. What you think is breaking you or is a sign of how weak or pathetic you are, is really a sign of existing energies and structures in your life falling apart so that new, more aligned ones have the space to come in.
6. You might be scared of letting go, thinking you're better off like this than alone or desolate, or without - but nature always fills a vacuum, and as long as you settle, you'll never be truly happy.
7. Whatever you tolerate you will receive more of. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop playing the victim, stop complaining about how others treat you and accept that this is your responsibility - that you cannot change people but you are responsible for seeing clear boundaries and standards, and then enforcing them or walking away.
8. There is a whole world of infinite possibilities out there. Even the most seemingly impossible things have come together. Keep an open mind, heart, and soul and take aligned action with the full belief that the Universe has your back and you'll receive some incredible experiences that you never dreamed were possible.
9. You only ever really make decisions from two energies - fear or love. Learn to ask yourself what you are feeling and which emotion your choice is rooted in. And always choose your stance from love. This does not mean allowing rather than boundaries, or selling yourself out helping others and feeling drained or resentful as so many people seem to think - you can draw the line or say 'fuck off' - with love.
10. Don't ever doubt your gut. Your intuition doesn't lie. Your ego does. Stop feeding the parts of you that feel inadequate or scared and instead feed the parts of you that just 'KNOW', that don't have to explain or justify further, that feel complete. Whether it's work, money, friendships, love, home or health. You already have all the answers within you, you just don't believe them and don't follow the intuitive hits but rather the ego voice. Learn to discern and choose wisely.
And don't forget I'm taking applications for 6 months of coaching and mentoring starting in January 2020 offering you support, guidance and holding the space for you to unravel deeper into who you really are and how you show up.
This is for you if you know you want less fear and more confidence in your Self; if you have a vision for your life that you aren't sure how to bring to life and would love support in that.
You can be running your business, wanting to start a business, holding a vision of a different life, or wanting be more rooted in a sense of being your best self as a horse rider.
One is a low cost group program with monthly live trainings, a private group and ongoing support within the group.
The other is a more intensive group program with monthly live group training, plus monthly 1:1 calls with me, group support and also direct support 1:1 from me straight to you. You will also have the option of coming to my horses and having an equine facilitated experience in person.
We will have the option to extend these to 12 months as I know from my own experience the benefit of longer term support as you begin to make what feels like radical shifts in who you are, believing in your vision for what you are creating and then taking aligned action to support that.
These are by application only to ensure the best fit, so PM me now. Payment plans are available.
As always, you've got this!