10 Pressure Points You Need To Know To Relieve Bloating, Insomnia, Arthritis And Sciatica Pain, As Well As Digestive Problems!
This method, pressure acupuncture, or known as acupressure therapy has been used by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners for almost thousands of years. It involves applying pressure to certain acupressure points which lie among the meridians of your body to promote relaxation and treat illness.
It is a traditional belief that the acupressure therapy works by balancing the “qi” (chi) in one person’s body, qi is actually the life force that runs through a body. Western practitioners attribute its effectiveness to factors like reduced muscle tension, improved circulation and stimulation of brain chemicals called endorphins that act as natural pain relievers.
Top To Acupressure Points
These points are associated with some of the most common aches and illnesses that people deal with today.
Joining The Valley (For Headaches)
This acupressure point is popular for helping you to get rid of headaches. It also helps to relieve toothaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, arthritis, constipation, as well as hangovers. It’s located in the fleshy area between the thumb and the index finger. When the thumb and the finger are brought together, that’s the highest spot of the muscle. Press and massage this spot for a couple of minutes on each hand as needed.
Pericardium (For Nausea And Vomiting)
The Pericardium is very effective at healing nausea and vomiting caused by multiple reasons. It can also relieve upset stomach, headaches, chest pain and carpal tunnel syndrome pain and discomfort.
It is located between the two large tendons on the inside of your wrist, at about three fingers width below your palm. Press this point with your index and middle fingers for two minutes and repeat as needed.
The Third Eye (For Chronic Fatigue And Eye Strain)
This point is used for calming the mind, improving memory, relieving stress, chronic fatigue, headaches, eye strain and insomnia as well as relieving sinus pain and congestion. This point is located on the knobby spot on the bridge of your nose between your eyebrows. Using your middle finger, gently press it for a few seconds to 1 minute and then release. Repeat the procedure several times a week.
Sea Of Tranquility (For Emotional Healing)
This point helps you restore the calmness in your body and relieves anxiety, nervousness, depression and it also boosts your immune system. It can be located on the center of the breastbone, about four finger-widths up from the base of the bone.
Press this point when you’re in a prayer position with your palms joined together, your fingers pointing upwards and the knuckles of your thumb pressing into the breastbone. Press it for a couple of minutes daily while taking slow, deep breaths.
Leg Three Miles (For Stomach Problems)
This pressure point is used for treating some common digestive problems like: indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. It also boosts your immune system, strengthens your body and fights fatigue.
In order to find this spot, bend your knee and place your index finger at the base of your knee cap. This point is located 4 fingers down, where your pinky would land, just outside the shin bone. Apply some light to moderate pressure on this spot for a few seconds a day.
Commanding Middle (For Sciatica And Arthritis)
This pressure point is good as it helps relieving pain in the knee and back, reduces stiffness in your back, arthritis in the knee, back and hips, as well as sciatica pain. The Commanding Middle point is located at the back of your knee, directly in the center. Gently press this spot for a minute on each leg and repeat it daily or as needed.
Sacral Points (For Menstrual Pain)
This group of acupressure points works to relieve and reduce menstrual pain from cramps, relaxes the uterus, relieves sciatica pain and lowers your back pain. The sacral points are located on the sacrum, the base of your spine directly above the tailbone. Lie on your back with your hands under the base of your spine and with one hand over the other apply some steady pressure on the points for a few minutes as needed.
Shen Men (To Quit Smoking)
This is an auricular point which can make it easier to quit smoking by treating the side effects of quitting e.g. stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and inflammatory diseases. This point is located in the upper half of the ear, above the apex of the triangular fossa. Pinch the spot and massage it by applying firm pressure using your index finger and thumb. Repeat it daily as needed.
Heavenly Pillar (For Insomnia And Stress)
This is a pair of pressure points that are used to reduce stress, anxiety, exhaustion, burnout, headache, neck pain and insomnia. These points are located at one finger width below the base of the skull. They are on the prominent neck muscles ? an inch out from the spine. Press these points for a couple of minutes daily for several weeks.
Bigger Rushing (For Improved Concentration)
This point is effective at improving your memory and concentration, encourages clarity and focus, relieves headaches, soothes tired eyes, fights allergies and boosts your immunes system, too. This point is located on the top of the foot, where the bones of the big toe and second toe meet.
Press this spot gently for a few minutes and then release. Repeat this process 2 or 3 times a day for a few weeks as needed.
It’s very important to remember that although acupressure therapy is safe, pregnant women should seek an expert as some points could trigger uterine contractions. If you want to consider this therapy as an alternative, the guidance of a professional is always helpful.
Try curing your aches and pains without the need of medication! Use these healing methods instead!
Note:- Content taken from healthierwayoflife.com