10 phrases commonly used in Business English speaking

10 phrases commonly used in Business English speaking

Opening a Conversation:

  • "Good morning/afternoon. My name is [name], and I'm calling from [name of the company]."
  • "Hello, this is [name] from [department]. How can I help you today?"

Making Requests:

  • "Could you please send me the latest report by the end of the day?"
  • "I was wondering if you could provide more details on the project timeline."

Giving Updates:

  • "I wanted to inform you that we've successfully completed the first phase of the project."
  • "Just a quick update on the sales figures for the quarter - they're looking quite promising."

Asking for Clarification:

  • "I'm afraid I didn't catch that. Could you please repeat the key points?"
  • "I'm not quite clear on the details. Could you elaborate a bit more?"

Expressing Appreciation:

  • "Thank you for your prompt response to my email."
  • "I really appreciate the effort your team put into the recent project."

Handling Difficult Situations:

  • "I understand there have been some challenges, and I'm here to help find a solution."
  • "Let's work together to address any issues and find a resolution."

Scheduling Meetings:

  • "Are you available for a meeting next week to discuss the upcoming project?"
  • "Let's set up a conference call to go over the details. What time works for you?"


  • "I believe we can find a middle ground that benefits both parties."
  • "Is there room for flexibility in the terms of the agreement?"

Closing a Conversation:

  • "Thank you for your time and input. I look forward to our continued collaboration."
  • "If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out. Have a great day!"

Discussing Future Plans:

  • "I'd like to discuss our long-term strategy and potential areas for growth."
  • "Let's plan a meeting to outline our goals for the upcoming fiscal year."

These phrases cover a range of business scenarios and can be adapted to suit various professional conversations. Why don't you start putting them into practice? In the end, we learn languages from everyday examples.



