10 Most Common Job Interview Mistakes

10 Most Common Job Interview Mistakes

Have you ever been to a job interview and didn't get the job?

You may have made one of the most common mistakes that often rule out candidates. In this article, we will reveal them to you so that you can avoid them in your next interview:

1. Arriving late: Punctuality is essential to make a good impression. Try to arrive at least 15 minutes before the indicated time in case this is a person to person event. otherwise 5-7 Minutes before is also great :).

2. Not researching the company: It is important to know the company you are applying to, its culture, values, and products or services. Research their website, social media, or news articles. Or at least look for them at youtube and make sure that even if you applied to multiple positions on different companies, you are align on what to ask to which at the interview.

3. Not having good body language: Maintain an upright posture, eye contact, and smile. Your body language communicates as much as your words. In case you are remote my best advice is to use genuinely your arms in front of the camera to embrace and transmit confidence.

Make it while you are ending a point of view, or want to emphasise on a word, otherwise you are going to look funny or even confusing on what you are willing to transmit.

4. Talking bad about your former boss or company: It is not advisable to speak badly about your previous work experience, even if you have had a bad experience. Instead, talk from your experience, your skills and aptitudes, speak of what you gain and learn.

5. Not having questions prepared: It is important to have questions prepared to show your interest in the position and the company.

Questions regarding your job preferences such as: location, schedule (in case is not specified in the job description). Or maybe insurance or the ASO.

It could be also about your career growth and team environment or communication. Ask yourself what would make you work stable or hopefully happy!

6. Dressing inappropriately: Adapt your dress code to the company's dress code. A sloppy or overly casual outfit can be a deciding factor. Just be you but like you where about to meet the opportunity of your life.

7. Showing distrust or insecurity: Trust yourself and your abilities. Show enthusiasm and passion for the position. Try ask your close ones what are the main 3 qualities you naturally have, and trust that!

8. Exaggerating or lying on your resume: Be honest on your resume and in the interview. Do not exaggerate your skills or experience, as it can be easily discovered. Trust me, we will find out.

9. Talking too much: Don't monopolize the conversation. Allow the interviewer to also ask questions and express their ideas. Be puntual, remember that the more secure you are about your answer, the more time you are both saving yourselfs.

10. Not thanking the interviewer: At the end of the interview, thank the interviewer for their time and express your interest in the position. Be nice, you don't have go the extra mile to impress, but just a quick thank :') is greatly appreciated.

Avoid these mistakes and prepare well for your next job interview ;).Research the company, practice your answers to common questions, and dress professionally.

Good luck! :D


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