The 10 Misconceptions of iPaaS ( Integration Platform as a Service)
Kumar Chinnakali
Reimagining contact center as a hands-on architect bridging users, clients, developers, and business executives in their context.
On last month, my friend invited for a O’Reilly webcast on Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS), by Leon Stigter, TIBCO Sr. Product Manager and Developer and API Enthusiast. In this cast they have covered; What is an iPaaS? Why would I need one? What are common misconceptions when thinking about iPaaS?.
Thanks, to one of my great friend O’Reilly Data Newsletter, because of that I could able to share this post on “The 10 Misconception of iPaaS ( Integration Platform as a Service) “. The top nine are influenced by webcast and the bottom is by dataottam team.
So what is iPaaS, then; An integration platform as a service ( iPaaS) provides capabilities to enable subscribers to implement data, application, API and process integration projects spanning cloud resident and on-premises endpoints. However, iPaaS brings great capabilities like Connectors, Data Formats, Mapping, Routing, APIs, but few of our friends has the below misconceptions.
Hence Integration is no longer done only by IT teams, and iPaaS will overtake on-premise integration. In nut shell iPaaS is easy to use, it will increase the productivity, and helps to transforming data.
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