10 Min With Chris Munson: Production Designer
RedCloud Consulting
A boutique, business management and technology consulting firm providing expert-level support.
It’s been over a year since Chris Munson joined RedCloud as part of our Denny Mountain Media acquisition in January 2022. While Chris may have joined us during a busy transition period, he quickly settled into his role at RedCloud and became a vital member of our team. Read on to learn more about Chris, what he had to say about his colleagues, and more. We’re grateful to have you on our team, Chris!
RC: Briefly describe your role and how long you've been at RedCloud
CM: I joined RedCloud one year ago via the Denny Mountain Media acquisition.
RC: What was it like to join RedCloud (onboarding process)?
CM: During onboarding, I had a long talk with one of RedCloud’s Managing Partners, Brett Clifton, and was really impressed. He listened to my concerns and thoughtfully answered all my questions, which really helped me feel comfortable with my transition to the RedCloud team. The entire process went very smoothly.
RC: Given your background and other experiences, what stands out to you with RedCloud?
CM: The people I work with at RedCloud are my favorite thing! From my account manager Kelly Hallissey to Don Kenoyer, Emiliya Wazeri, and Ashley Powell, who I work with daily, everyone is extremely professional and skillful at their job. I honestly feel very fortunate to be a part of such a talented team.
RC: Where do you see the future of consulting or the future of RedCloud?
CM: RedCloud has so many positives that position it well for future success, from its high-quality employees and the way they collaborate closely with clients to the company's commitments to transparency, environmental sustainability, and charity. I also think that RedCloud's strong roots in the Pacific Northwest are a real advantage in building relationships with local businesses and organizations. I think all these things continue to make RedCloud a company that clients trust and would want to work with.
RC: Name one piece of technology you couldn’t live without and why?
CM: After staring at screens for work and entertainment all day long, I would have to say...my electric guitar! It really helps me to clear my head and relax when I pick it up and play for a few minutes.
RC: What are you looking forward to the most this year with RedCloud?
CM: I love my job and the people I work with, so I continue everything that I've experienced with RedCloud to date!