10 Major Types of Interpretation
People often get confused between interpretation and translation. However, there is a difference between them. The translation process translates the text into another language. Whereas interpretation transforms the information in other languages verbally. People go for interpretation services when they want to talk to multiple people speaking different languages. There are 10 major types of Interpretation services. Take a quick look for a better understanding.
History of Interpretation Services
Interpreting has a history from centuries back from 3000 BC. At that time, Egyptians used it to converse with African neighbors. In the 16th century, La Malinche provided interpreter services when the Aztec empire was defeated. In the legal field, the interpretation service was used in the 14th century.
Interpreters also played their significant role in the deaf community. As a volunteer, they worked in social services, schools, and churches in the 19th century. Another use of interpretation was seen in modern international diplomacy when the Nuremberg trials started in 1945.
At that time, interpreters interpreted the Nazis' proceedings in real time for a global audience. Furthermore, they did the simultaneous interpretation for the first time. Moreover, they used headsets to transfer interpretation to the audience.
Importance of Interpretation Services
In the interpretation process, the interpreter translates the words, tone, and emotions in other languages orally. At present, businessmen and lawyers use this service to mitigate communication barriers. Apart from lawyers, professional athletes, community members, heads of state and high-rank business executives are also taking leverage from interpreting services. You can select the interpretation services according to the situation. However, selecting the interpretation mode as per the situation is a demanding task.
The interpreters should be proficient enough to decode the intended meanings of the words into another language in a short span. While doing this, the interpreter cannot interrupt the flow of communication by giving long gaps.
Let us have a look at 10 Different types of interpretation services.
Simultaneous Interpretation
Simultaneous interpretation deals with real-time interpretation. The interpreter does not wait for the speaker to finish the conversation. The speaker continues to speak and the interpreter keeps on interpreting the information. Communication and conversation take place side by side that is why people call it simultaneous interpretation. In the case of conference participants, the interpreters are seated far away so that they can interpret the conversation in different languages at the same time.
Simultaneous Interpretation keeps the flow of the conversation. We all know how important time is. If the time is not taken into account, then the interpreter can miss the important message of the conversation from the source language into the selected language.
One of the foremost benefits of simultaneous interpreting is that it keeps the audience focused and attentive. In the conferences, people conversate with each other. They read handouts among the audience. It shows that they are not giving attention to details.
Therefore, if you go for simultaneous interpretation then each member in the conference can listen to the speaker attentively with the help of an interpreter and can understand the intended message. If you are conducting a large multilingual conference then simultaneous interpretation is the best option.
Consecutive Interpretation
In consecutive interpreting, the interpreter repeats the sentences in another language after the speaker finishes the conversation. Usually, a pause is given in the conversation for the interpreter to interpret the sentences. People use this type of interpretation in a video conference, over the phone, and if interpretation is required in person.
Consecutive interpretation contains many benefits. In some cases, the consecutive interpreter takes notes. While in other cases, notes are not required. Consecutive interpretation has different forms. In case of a short conversation, the interpreter pauses every sentence or two.
While in a long conversation, the speaker takes a long time before giving a pause. Therefore, it gives a speaker ample time to communicate their thoughts. It allows the interpreter to pursue a consecutive interpretation.
Consecutive interpretation can be used in an array of different scenarios. They can leverage the business partners that speak different languages. It is best suitable for a small audience. If you are dealing in B2C or B2B business then you can opt for consecutive interpretation. Furthermore, you can take the assistance of consecutive interpreting if you want to understand the medical doctor conversation that does not speak your language.
Escort Interpreting
Escort interpreting is the process in which the interpreter translates everything in the target language. It makes you understand everything that is communicated in your environment.
The other name of escort interpreter is travel interpreter. If you want to travel around the world for a business purpose, it assists you like a travel guide. These interpreters help the clients to conduct a meeting in multiple language. Escort/travel interpreting helps you to understand the cultural intricacies. For example, understanding the colors while finalizing the brand of your company.
People use this interpretation in conducting a foreign interview and help the foreign delegations to visit your country without any communication barrier. People hire escort interpreters for small groups and individuals. You can hire an escort interpreter if you want to travel around the world for business purposes.
Escort interpreting is a formal type of interpretation as compared to other interpretations. Moreover, it depends upon the event or situation for which you require interpretation services.
Whisper Interpreting
Whisper Interpreting is also called Chuchotage. People opt for this interpretation when the audio equipment is not available for simultaneous interpreting. In the whisper interpreting, the interpreter listens to the speaker by ear and whispers the translation to the client. While doing so, they make sure that voice does not hamper the presentation.
The equipment used in whisper interpreting is a neck microphone, small size pocket transmitter with a frill, and headphones for the clients. In this way, the interpreter can translate the presentation for multiple clients.
You can use whisper interpretation in simultaneous and consecutive interpretation mode. Therefore, if the interpreter speaks simultaneously or if he gives breaks in the communication, you can use whisper interpretation. If you are interpreting for an individual then it is not necessary to use the equipment.
People opt for whisper interpreting in small conference rooms where the number of people is not more than a dozen. Moreover, only a few people in the audience require interpreting services. In the small conference rooms, there is no space for equipment. Therefore, the interpreter listens to the speaker directly.
Moreover, the small room size does not hamper the listening skills of the interpreter. For large conference rooms, it is recommended to have the proper equipment so that interpreters can provide you with impeccable interpreting services.
Over-the-Phone Interpretation
As the name depicts, it is done over the phone. Apart from two parties of callers, it connects the interpreter with the help of a conference call. The most common mode of interpretation that uses over-the-phone interpretation is consecutive interpreting. If the equipment or software is different, then the preferred mode of interpretation is simultaneous.
Over-the-Phone Interpretation demands certain skill sets of the interpreter to provide impeccable services. This is because of the reason that interpreters over the phone cannot see the gestures of the speakers.
At present, when pandemic has hit the world badly, Over-the-Phone interpreting services are in demand in the healthcare industry. People cannot go out because of lockdowns, so they prefer to take services over the phone.
On-Demand Phone Interpreting
On-demand phone interpreting is for individuals and organizations that want to communicate in multiple languages to mitigate the communication barriers. In this interpretation, the company calls for the service and selects the language from IVR. Then further, it is connected to an interpreter. The interpreter then interprets the conversation.
On-Demand Phone Interpreting is high in demand in customer service call centers. Moreover, pharmacies, legal and medical organizations that deal with multilingual clients book on-demand phone interpreting.
One of the benefits of On-demand phone interpretation is that interpretation is provided within minutes. Apart from this benefit, it has a drawback that interpreters are not aware of the background of the clients, thus it results in inaccurate interpreting.
Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)
Video remote interpreting is sign language interpreting. It helps deaf people to communicate with the person that can hear with the help of video conferencing and with live on-site interpreting. If you are unable to find any qualified interpreter in a rural area then you can go for this interpretation. Furthermore, if you need an interpreter urgently and you are not finding any on-site interpreter, then do opt for VRI
You can use video remote interpreting if you have video conferencing equipment at both ends. The call center interpreter uses the headphone to listen to what the other person is saying. When he speaks, the interpreter interprets the sign, then further, they watch it on the web camera.
After watching the web camera, the deaf person replies and the interpreter interprets and gives voice to his message. The deaf and hearing person can communicate with each other as if they are in the same room.
Sworn Interpretation Service
Sworn interpreters can do any kind of interpretation service. Many companies require exclusive services of Sworn interpreters. Court proceedings also use sworn interpretation. In this scenario, sworn interpreters appear before the court to interpret the spoken words uttered by the accused or a witness.
It also attests to the authenticity of the information provided in the court. Moreover, notarial proceeding also uses sworn interpretation. For instance, issuance's of public deeds, legal proceedings, and statements, and issuance of public deeds. In addition to it, the sworn interpretation deals with a variety of legal procedures and orders.
Liaison Interpretation
A Liaison interpretation uses a translator for two individuals. It is a form of consecutive interpretation. It interprets the message turn by turn so that the client can converse without any hesitation. You can see this interpretation when a CEO of the company visits a subsidiary in a foreign country. In this case, a Liaison interpreter can accompany the CEO and provide interpretation according to his requirement.
Relay Interpretation
Relay Interpretation deals with several different interpreters. Consecutive and simultaneous modes both use this interpretation. In this interpretation, one interpreter translates the speakers’ words and the second interpreter translates the first interpreters’ words. Let us have a look at variants of relay interpretation.
Simultaneous Relay Interpretation
Simultaneous relay interpretation gives leverage to conferences where people speak multiple languages and where an interpreter who can interpret in specific language pairs is not available. For example, suppose the mode of communication in a conference is English.
But, the people who are attending the conference speak Russian, Mandarin, Spanish and Russian. Therefore the first interpreter will translate from English to Russian while another interpreter will translate to English to Mandarin, Spanish and Russian.
Consecutive Relay Interpretation
Consecutive relay interpretation is suitable for that audience that speaks minority languages. In this interpretation, the translation of words is done in one language. For example, for English speakers, the individual listeners interpret it in different minority tongues.