10 Lessons Learned from 10 Days In Colorado
??Dr. Adam Martin, PharmD
Tony Robbins Results Coach | Mindset & Wellness Professional Speaker | Business Results Trainer at Robbins Research Intl.
Time. The one resource we can never change... or can we?
You've heard this before: "We all have the same 24 hours in a day."
So, why can Beyonce get so much done, yet at times WE feel like we have not just spun our wheels all day, but maybe even taken steps backward?
Why can some people seem to get all the zest out of every second of life, while others who live to 99 years old have regrets of "not really living the life I wanted to live"?
The secret to controlling time comes down to one simple word: perception.
Not speeding up or slowing down the measurement of a second, minute or hour, but how those durations feel to you, based on your perception, CAN be changed.
Let's think back to pharmacy school: you're in your least-favorite class, in a topic you can barely comprehend, taught by a less-than-enthused professor... HEY! WAKE UP! Have you ever had an interaction like that? Would you have described it as feeling as if time stood still, that you thought the clock was broken as the moments were just dragging on and on?
Now let's think back to what you love most: it can be playing video games, spending time with loved ones, or being on vacation in paradise! Have you ever gotten to the end of your allotted time frame and thought "Man, but it feels like I just started! It's time to go already?!?"
Why does this happen? What can we do to speed up the agonizing moments and slow down and savor the sweet ones? The answer was something I had heard before, but REALLY put it into practice while I was in Colorado:
*Photo courtesy Chelsea Martin
This saying is so simple, but if you really read it, understand it, and embody it into your most cherished moments- that is, the present - it hold the key to literally giving you the feeling of controlling time.
Being present with not just others, but with yourself - really taking stock and checking in- is one of the most powerful yet simple acts of self care you can EVER do. Period. This simple concept of awareness is the core principle focused on in meditation, mindfulness, and all of the other self-help practices; it's also the reason why they are gaining so much momentum into our modern culture of self care: THEY WORK, they're FREE, and they do NOT require much time. Just consistency! Awareness is SUPER important, and one of the first concepts discussed in the best-selling book written FOR pharmacists, BY a pharmacist, focusing on SimpleSolutions to implement self care amidst our sometimes chaotic pharmacy life,
Rx: YOU! The Pharmacist's Survival Guide to Managing Stress & Fitting in Fitness
Not to get too meta here, but the first thing I did when I got back from my extended trip to Colorado was, you guessed it, being present- practicing awareness - of what I gleaned from practicing awareness while in one of the most beautiful environments I have ever been in. Let's face it: having to know the 434,765,687,876 medications, supplements, herbals and more doesn't leave much brain space leftover, so I wanted to be sure I recalled my top tips I learned from this trip- not just so that I could remember them, but so that I can share them with you in hopes that they offer some guidance, inspiration, or just provoke some thought for your own journey to dispensing your full potential:
1. Live in the present moment!
As I've mentioned, there's just so much power you can give yourself by doing this! The easiest way to get that is through awareness, and THAT can be attained through a range of modalities, from checking in with yourself on your own, or through a guided meditation, like that offered through a super slick app I've come to love called Headspace. You can set the length to what works best for you, starting at just 3 minutes at a time. Even a pharmacist can fit THAT in! :D
2. Cherish the moments in real-time with those that you love the most - literally, savor the time you have with them while you are with them.
Sounds simple, but really doing it and having deep conversations of connection vs saying "yea", "OK", or "uh huh" while watching TV are two totally different things! Get fully focused and you will be amazed and what you both learn and hear.
3. Start every day by NOT looking at your phone for at least 2 hours.
This is a new habit I developed toward the end of my trip. GASP! But really- I'm one week into this, and I can already notice the benefits it's had on my life! Commit to it, without exception, and you will be forced to notice- and practice- things outside of the screen. The world will still go on for those 2 hours, I promise!
Personally, I like to start my day off with a full glass of water, reading my Daily Devotional, and reading a self-development book (here is a listing of some of my all-time favorites). Some other options I employ from time to time that YOU may want to try include building real in-person relationships, planning/mapping/reflecting on the day ahead or day that has passed, or practicing awareness through meditation as just a few examples.
4. Gratitude holds the key to inner peace.
If you are a pharmacist or pharmacy student, you are used to juggling 30 things at once- sometimes, literally 30 things (phones, vials, staplers, baskets- you know the life, FitPharmFam)!
Sometimes, however, when you try to look at all of those things at once, some not-so-helpful feelings can come along. Anxiety, worry, fear, trepidation, overwhelm - sound familiar? If you practice gratitude, it become less and less likely for you to focus on those feelings as opposed to things that empower you with thankfulness- and it doesn't even have to be November!
Try an experiment real quick: think about something that makes you really angry - I mean 'mad as hornets', as the patient who still calls me the 'druggist' would say. Now, list out all of the things in your life that you are grateful for, without losing your sense of anger. Are you having some trouble feeling grateful and angry at the same time? That's because it's not possible to feel both simultaneously! You just found your antidote, and you didn't even have to X a stock bottle! I mean, you're not the one who forgets to X the stock bottle after opening it, are you?!?
5. Eat to fuel your body AND mind with mindful eating.
I will admit: this practice is NOT practical up in ClubPharmacy when you're first starting out, yo! This is something best implemented at home to get you used to the practice of eating with intention. Here are some suggestions, from health psychologist Dr. Kori Propst, for how to implement mindful eating into your daily rituals:
As you're practicing presence, let's have at least 1 of your meals each day be a practice in mindful eating.
No phone, no music, no reading material. You + your meal + breathing deeply + sitting down.
Practice: put your fork down after each bite and take a sip of water. Chew your food at least 5 times. Finish and swallow one bite before taking another.
Sit up straight, thank the universe for your meal (it took a lot of people to get your food to your plate, from the people who picked it, boxed it, shipped it, etc).
6. There is no rush in life!
This hold so true if you are new to implementing the "no phone for the first 2 hours of the day" tip- you may feel some anxiety like "when will the 2 hours be up? Is it time yet?!?" This is YOUR time, for YOU! Enjoy it, maximize it, practice that presence!
Instead of focusing on "I have to wait 2 hours until I can use my phone", try focusing on:
"I have 2 hours all to myself, to be fully appreciative of the present, I can't turn the clock ahead- I may as well use this to the best of my ability! How can I best serve me?"
7. Nature holds SO much insight into beauty, your priorities, and reflecting/checking in with yourself.
So, get outside, get present, take some deep breaths, and listen to YOU! BONUS: take a walk out in nature to get your steps in - you can get in your workout AND practice presence: self care on fleek! There are so many benefits to not just health, but to your pharmacy culture in getting your whole team on a step challenge- I wrote about that in this article you may find helpful :)
8. Empowering questions will empower you to find the empowering answers.
Put another way by the eloquent Tony Robbins:
"Quality questions create a quality life"
Here are some of the powerful questions that came up for me in my time with nature that may help provoke some questioning of your own:
"What legacy do you want to leave behind? Whose life do you want to elevate and guide?"
"Are you FULLY conducting yourself to your highest level of integrity / best self in ALL areas of your life? If not, which ones may deserve a second look?"
"How do you lead? How can you take your leadership skills to the next level, from 'good' to exemplary?"
"What habits / daily rituals have you feeling like your'e stuck in a rut? How about repetitive thought patterns? Beliefs?"
"How can you best align your daily actions to position yourself to dispense your full potential?"
"Are there areas in your life you have fallen short in that you need to own up to, take responsibility, and create an action plan to learn from?"
"What do you have to look forward to in your time today? What TODAY will light your soul on fire?"
"Looking ahead, what can you get yourself excited and passionate about on a daily basis to fuel your fire of purpose and fulfillment?"
"Reflecting on today or yesterday, what were your very best moments and memories? Do you have any photos capturing them, or did you share that time with someone you can relive it with through story? "
*With all of these questions, if you find one that makes you really think, and you come to an answer that requires some action on your part, employ ONE action step IMMEDIATELY so that you stay on track with that realization, create the momentum so that you start on the path toward resolution and improvement- you deserve it!!
9. Galvanize your purpose, your "WHY".
What are your priorities in life? Physically list them out, pen and paper style, and keep that list easily visible on a daily basis!
10. SMILE! :D
Emotion is created by motion- so, literally, if you move (motion) in a positive and confident way, you will feel (create the emotions) positive and confident! "Fake it til you make it" was once said, but you can't fake dancing in the middle of the supermarket when you want to feel happy! OK, that may be a little cray cray, unless you're me - wait, did I just call myself cray? Must be the altitude adjustment! ;)
Thank you for reading, my friend! Remember: what do YOU have to do TODAY to dispense your FULL potential?
Yours in health,
Adam Martin, PharmD, ACSM-CPT, NAMS-CNC | [email protected]
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Here’s my new book for how to manage stress and fit in fitness for the pharmacy professional: Rx:YOU!
Check out a recent episode of the The Fit Pharmacist Healthcare Podcast where we interview a physician on how to bridge the healthcare gap among healthcare professions!