10 Lessons I'm learning right now
Inspired by Sally Hogsheads, here's the recession playbook.
1. Decide what matters.
There’s no one “right” thing you should do right now. Decide what matters. Then do it with gusto.
2. Take nothing for granted. Including the bad parts.
During an uncertain time, every single little thing becomes magnified. Losses feel harder. Tiny gains feel bigger. In these chaotic days, we become exquisitely attuned to the ups and downs of our circumstances because we’re not in control. We take nothing for granted. And, maybe that's a good thing?
3. Refuse to recede.
The word “recession” comes from the verb “to recede.” And “to recede” means to take a step back.
But what if “taking a step back” isn’t necessarily going backward?
If you “take a step back,” you can still move in a different and new direction. Take a step back, yes. But recede, never.
4. Tap into your street smarts.
The old rules no longer apply. An entrepreneurial mindset is not an inborn talent, but a skill. Find it. Learn it. Hone it. Use it. If you don’t have an entrepreneurial mindset, cultivate one.
5. Remember who you are.
Being stripped of the trappings allows you to just be with the core.
6. Find opportunity in chaos.
Recessions are an extreme sport, one you don’t necessarily choose to play. The next few months might not be comfy.
Yet there’s an upside: Chaos presents an opportunity.
Prepare for the worst. And, simultaneously, prepare for the best.
Want to change your life, your career, or yourself?
We want you to succeed. We need inspiration. Surprise us. You have the ultimate permission slip.
7. This is your perfect time to ______. [Fill in the blank.]
Don’t live by default. Do live by deciding.
The question is not whether you’ll be presented with challenges. You will. The question is, which actions will you take?
8. Remember the excruciating.
When you truly understand the pain of a struggle, you become empathetic. Feeling beat helps you help others overcome defeat because you learn how to overcome.
Feeling weak makes you stronger because you’ve been in the depths.
Remember what you think and do right now. Because in a very real and immediate way, it will turn you into a better person.
9. Distraught is not destroyed.
There may be times in your career when you feel lost, overwhelmed, beaten down, or even depressed. Right now may even be one of those times. In this situation, careering feels unrealistic; it’s tough to go boldly when you’re in survival mode. But just because you feel powerless doesn’t mean you are powerless.
You always have options. Please, keep that in mind when you’re tempted to just give up. We need you to not give up.
10. Be the silver lining.
Don’t CHANGE who you are. Become MORE of who you are. Right now, we need YOU.