10 Killer Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid
Susan P. Joyce
I help job seekers understand how to leverage current recruiter technology and processes for a successful job search ? Personal SEO Expert ? Researcher ? Writer ? Author ? USMC Veteran ?
As anyone who has been job hunting?for a while knows, being invited to a job interview is not something easily achieved. Becoming one of the few "job candidates" rather than being part of the typically gigantic crowd of "job applicants" is a major victory.
Unfortunately, too many job candidates seem to assume that the interview invitation means the job offer is waiting. As a result, they blow their interview opportunities, wasting all that time and effort. Don't be one of those candidates. A?job offer is NOT "in the bag" simply because you were invited for an interview!
Avoid These Common Interview Mistakes to Land That Job
What you do during a job interview is viewed as a "sample" of your work. Everything you do is being judged because they don't know you (unless you are one of the lucky referred candidates).?
Mistake #1: Appearing uninterested.
This drives employers crazy. Most employers have more applicants than they need or want. If you aren't?demonstrably?interested in them, they certainly aren't interested in hiring you.?
Instead:?Demonstrate your interest in the company and the job. Show up on time, appropriately dressed. Turn off your cell phone. Focus on this meeting!
Ask intelligent questions that indicate you have done some research, but don't ask a question that could be answered in 30 seconds with a Google search or a peek at their website's homepage.
Mistake #2: Being unprepared.
Obvious lack of preparation is an opportunity crusher. And, lack of preparation usually becomes obvious quickly.
Instead:?Be prepared! Preparation will help you demonstrate your interest in them and the job. You will also perform better in the interview when you are prepared.?
Successful preparation has several elements:?
Read?The Winning Difference: Pre-Interview Preparation?for more tips.
Mistake #3: Being angry.
Angry people are NOT people employers want to hire. Angry people are not fun to work with. They may frighten co-workers and/or customers or clients. They may also abuse both people and equipment (computers, cars, etc.). Not good contributors to a happy workplace or a prosperous business, even if they don't "go postal."
Instead:?If you are angry over a job loss, horrible commute to the interview, earlier fight with your kids or spouse, or anything else, dump the anger before the interview, at least temporarily.?
Stop, before you enter the employer's premises, take a few deep breaths, put a smile on your face, and do your best to switch gears mentally so you are?not?"in a bad place" in your mind.?
Dr. Amy Cuddy's "power poses"?done in?private?for a couple of minutes before you leave for the interview or after you have arrived (corner of the parking garage or stall in the restroom), but?before?the interview. They lift the darkest moods and increase confidence -- both can improve your interview performance
Mistake #4: Sharing TMI (too much information).?
Sometimes, people have a whole-truth-and-nothing-but-the-truth mindset in a job interview, so they "spill their guts" in answer to every question. Not smart or useful!?
Stick to answering the questions in a way that demonstrates your fit for their job. If they?want?more details,?they'll ask.?
I'm not recommending telling any lies, but I am recommending that you avoid boring the interviewer and/or blowing an opportunity by sharing too much inappropriate information.
Instead:?Answer their question, and then stop talking. Or, often better, ask a question of your own.?Read Avoid Costly Talking-too-Much Job Interview Mistakes for examples.
Mistake #5: Negative body language.
If you never smile, have a limp handshake, and don't make eye contact with the people you meet at the employer's location, and especially with the interviewer, you'll come across as too shy or too strange or simply uninterested.
Instead:?Show your interest and enthusiasm. If you are naturally very shy or an introvert,?express your enthusiasm?as Wendy Gelberg, author of?The Successful Introvert,?suggests.?
[If you're a veteran, put yourself at "Attention!" (but skip the "Yes, ma'am" and "Yes, sir").]
Smile, say hello, look them in the eye, and shake hands as though you really are happy to meet that person, and soon you will be.
Mistake #6. Not having good questions or asking the wrong questions at the wrong time.
To most?employers, no questions = no interest. Number one, above, indicates how deadly that is to your success with the opportunity.
Asking the wrong questions is as bad as having no questions. During the first interview, asking questions only about raises, promotions, vacation, and benefits are not usually well-received. Those questions apparently indicate that you are only?interested in specific personal benefits rather than in the job.?
Instead:?Ask the questions that occurred to you as you were doing your pre-interview research, as you talked with the people during the interview, or as you observed people in the location.
Ask for details about the job -- what an average day is like, if the job is new or being filled because the previous employee was promoted, etc.?
Read?45 Questions to Ask in a Job Interview?for more help.
Mistake #7: Flirting or other inappropriate behavior.
Unless you are interviewing for a job as a comedian or host/hostess in a social club, don't try to be entertaining or amusing. And, don't flirt with anyone, including the receptionist and the security guard.
Instead:?If making them laugh isn't a?requirement?of the job, take the interview seriously. Save flirting for your second day (or month) of work.
Don't chew gum or bring food or drink into the interview. Mind your manners, like your Mother taught you, and be polite to everyone you meet there. The interview is an "audition" for the job. Show them your best!
Mistake #8: Not collecting contact information or asking the next-steps questions.
Many job seekers leave the interview(s) with no idea of what will happen next in the employer's hiring process. They also often don't know who is the best person to contact as well as when and how to contact that person.
Instead:?At the beginning of the interview "play (business) cards" with the interviewer(s). Hand them your business card (or personal networking card, if you are employed), and ask for their card. This is the best way to gather the name, job title, location, and contact information of each person who interviews you. If you don't have this information, you won't be able to proceed with appropriate job interview follow-up (Mistake #9).
Then, as the interview ends, ask what the next steps in their hiring process are if no one volunteers the information. Find out who your post-interview contact is and when and how to contact that person. Note the email address and/or phone number carefully, paticularly if you don't have that person's business card.
For more details, read?The 5 Absolute MUST-ASK Questions in Your Next Job Interview.
Mistake #9: Failing to follow up.
Often, job seekers leave at the end of the interview(s) with a sigh of relief that the interview is over, and they can get on with their lives. They leave, and wait to receive a job offer.
Instead:?Remember this is a demonstration of the quality of your work as an employee.?
To stand out in the crowd of job candidates, which usually number four or five, immediately send your thank you notes to each person who interviewed you. Also send a thank you to the external recruiter, if one was involved, or the employee or networking contact who referred you for the opportunity, if you were referred.?
To send an effective thank you, read?Sending Your Thank You After the Job Interview?including the Sample Job Interview Thank You Note to the Person Who Referred You?and the?Sample Job Interview Thank You to the External Recruiter, if either was involved. Do your best to?avoid these?7 Costly Job Interview Thank You Note Mistakes.
And, LAST but NOT least...
Mistake #10: Forgetting the interview is a two-way street.
Don't go to the interview thinking that you are only trying to "make a sale." Discovering that you hate the job/employer is a terrible discovery to make after you have started working.
Instead:?To avoid disaster as best you can,?ask questions to help you discover if the job, the people you would be working with, and the employer are what you want. You also need to decide if you would be happy working there for at least one year.
Have your own list of questions ready (from #2 and #6 above).?Read?45 Questions to Ask in a Job Interview?for more ideas.
Also, observe what is happening at the location:
Is the location good or bad for you (commute, parking, personal safety, ?etc.)??
Did you like the interviewers, particularly the hiring manager and those who would be co-workers?
Anything else catch your attention, like out-of-date technology or great new technology at everyone's desk?
Moving On
Everyone makes mistakes, and, usually, the mistakes are not fatal for your job search. But, do your best to avoid these errors, and you should have a shorter job search.?
If you liked this post, click on the "Follow" button at the top of this page, and share it with your network. This article was originally published on?Job-Hunt.org.
Susan P. Joyce is president of NETability, Inc. and was the editor and chief technology writer for Job - Hunt.org from 1997 through 2021 and WorkCoachCafe.com. This article was first published on Job - Hunt.org. Susan has also blogged for HuffingtonPost.com and Forbes Coaches Council and contributed to NextAvenue.org, Mashable.com, JobScan.co, and other respected websites.
Logistics Manager looking for a new challenge. Insurance Consultant at Allianz SNA (Freelance)
8 年Thank you for sharing all 10 tips and the additional links. It brought back some bad experiences I've had in some of my past interviews. I liked mostly tips about getting prepared and asking questions. Internet & Social media are helping a lot nowadays in getting to know better about comapnies/employers. On the other hand, job seekers tend to think that answering questions correctly & briefly are much more expected/important than asking questions.
Team Lead - Employer Engagement at Douglas College - Training Group
8 年Thank you for sharing all the tips at one article. Although some of them seem to be quite obvious, I always share all of them with my clientele!
all good points/tips.
Sales & Service Manager | Complaints | CX | Leadership Coach | Facilitator | Quality Operations
8 年Thank you Susan for taking the time to post these tips. I agree, number 10 is often overlooked. I believe being in the 'right' organisation with a culture that 'fits' is crucial to happiness, productivity and success (for self and company). So asking questions to determine if the organisation meets your needs is important. Much appreciated.