10 Key Attributes of Strategic Planning By William Sebunje
William Sebunje
William Sebunje
Top Facilitation Voice , Competent in essential fields , Supporting Innovations & projects to Optimize Quality Results- Through technical Assistance, Research, Peer Review, Analytics & Capacity Building !
10 Key Attributes of Strategic Plannin
By William Sebunje
Business Strategy Consultant
Kampala, Uganda 27th /September 2021
[email protected] /[email protected]
Strategic planning is a form of forward thinking backed up with reason, ambitions and desired milestones.
Business growth and project success is a product of strategy, projects implemented on no strategy are those project filled up with corruptions, embezzlements, self-importance, no ambitions, confusion, un guided directives and no measurable indicators. ?“To Plan, it means to envision “
For one to excel in strategic planning as a Planner, Strategist, Manager, Director, Business Owner, Expert, leader or Consultant, has to consider the following attributes in his day today service ?
1. Research. Research is a great tool to help anyone laying strategies to investigate and appreciate the status quo. Known invents helps in figuring out possible solutions and recommendations. However there is need to differentiate between academic research and operation research. In academic research, one can even excel by reviewing documents from other countries, or industries, but for strategic purposes, our research work focuses on the project at hand, the area and real project attributes. We focus on what may benefit and affect the projects, interests of the project, and potential attributes to limit and promote its growth and development. ?To love and to plan , it requires information of the who and where…!!”
2. Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is the father of planning and strategy. One must be able to think long term, to challenge the status quo, to envision the future, and to believe in what he thinks about. ?The business of having fluctuating thoughts doesn’t benefit strategic planning. You must have the ability to outsmart every idea to arrive to the best thought as well as to accept some of those presented recommendations. Excel in critical thinking, you will excel in strategic Planning.
3. Analytical skills. ?Being analytical is greatly related to having the ability to interpret complex information to lay man’s language. Not every critical thinker is arithmetic in nature. One need to have the ability to predict trends by interpreting number. The love for numbers is equal to ??strategic thoughts…!!
4. Independence. Being independent both in the thought and decisions is key for one to excel in strategic planning. To plan, it means to conclude. And if you’re to be influences by every crying baby, it means dropping every good thought meant to drive your business and projects to the best level. ?Some plans are implemented in chaos, sickness, mediocrity, and some in limitations. And all that is desired is to think independent, because rationalism is that art of progress. ??The desire to do whatever we do, to do it with somebody, means subscribing to relative and elementary plans. ?As others are getting lost in what makes sense, you need to focus on the vision so as you provide a strategic direction “Others will only need to earn some money, yet all that is on your head is the best plan and strategic options.” Without self-satisfaction with ones thoughts , it means no satisfaction..!
5. Simplicity. Great planners and strategists are simple in approach, behavior, appearances, and methods. You need to excel in simplicity to manage complexity, because with simplicity, it becomes easier to reach anyone, any place, and deal with everyone meant to give you information you need. ?You need to become a fit in personality that fits in every situations, every society, every group and the ability to belong anywhere. ?Sometimes being stupid is the art of being strategic enough to tap all the great data you most need as a strategist. Sometimes you need to spend on them to relate with them, sometimes you need to let them take lead as you write from the back end books of your strategies.? Good plans are guided by humbleness in both the background and milestones. ?“Public address system make noise, but require a calm voice for them to sound well…!”
6. A Good Communicator. ?Communication is key in strategic planning. You need to appreciate the facts and ensure you’re asking the right questions. Vocabularies are good elements of advanced knowledge, but in strategic planning, we need to say words with single meanings. Points should just be clear enough to understand and implement.? In any situation, planners should avoid complicating their languages, keep it simple, and understandable by all stakeholders. ?In simplicity we serve everyone.., including the stranded world creatures!
7. A great Mobiliser. Mobilization is atop tool in strategic planning. One must have the ability to conduct informal and formal mobilization activities. Sometimes you need to gather debates near the market with all those that have come to the market, giving their views about as strategic market. Through informal platforms, we acquire great recommendations, information on the key issues, public reactions, emotions, and we’re always able to think of plan implementation strategies that are beyond our individual thoughts. “ Random sources ?brings up random blessings ‘’
8. Integrity ??As planners, ?we have to hold high levels of trust and integrity no matter what. Being of integrity it keeps us safe from the world threats. As you continue, you will interact with many people, some will even be the true threats of natures, and survival. Others have the right information, but will need you to safeguard their views and information. ?You’re ambitions should remain intact to the plan, and focusing on what you’re after. ?Where necessary assure them integrity, you may not need to kill every snake the snake you found crossing the road, because that is respecting nature, but it becomes an insight to improve on your plans. Many times you need to focus your eyes on what you have gone to see..! ?“Everyone on the shallow well needs water, let the mad men be and enjoy their life always than stoning …, because some are true normal but on their other missions you don’t need to know..!”
9. Leadership Qualities..! In planning processes, sometimes we interact with stakeholders that want to own and do things for themselves. In this case, one is required to be a leader who guides on what needs to be done. ?There are some clients, communities and partners who just want to do the thing. Please ensure you’re leadership qualities are a strong enough to influence the right work progress by either setting the pace, directing, forming affiliates, or even delegating tasks.? Keep them busy to do what they must do and them after give them leave as you focus on the most accurate plan. ?“Once a planner, it means the head of future milestones”
10. Psychological. to Excel in strategic planning, one has to be Psychological ?enough to envision the fluctuating brains and interests of those he’s ?laying a plan for , or those to implement the plan. Failure to engage in psychological evaluations, it means total failure to engage in the right thinking about the possible strategies.? We need to know that Current observations indicate now only about 4% of people use their brain. Of that 4%, fewer than 25% do so critically (1% of the general population). Most people just want to report and print, lift items, pick what they’re told to do....! Some people will even want to earn heavily when they can’t tell the why they should earn. ?This calls for a need to be more psychological as we lay plans, because it is possible to have good plans no one will implement. ?Understanding is easy, what is hard is always aboit thinking about it…!
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