10 Insights to Start Your Year with a Bang!

10 Insights to Start Your Year with a Bang!

The Big Bang ?was the title of my first?Raising the Barr? ?newsletter that I launched nine years ago. So much has transpired since that day and I am thankful for overcoming many life and business challenges while rejoicing in the many triumphs and gifts life has offered me.

Here is a list I prepared to make this year extraordinary while keeping your momentum moving forward. I recommend you choose the items that resonate with you and offer you with the utmost value:?

  1. Innovate something new.
  2. Develop a new client experience.
  3. Create and schedule a new adventure you’ve never done before.
  4. Leverage new relationships to exponentially grow your business.
  5. Organize your office and your work area to make sure you are at the top of your productivity and surround yourself with items you love.
  6. Start or continue?journaling .
  7. Get involved in charitable causes.
  8. Simplify your tasks and reduce your accomplishments list to no more than three big goals.
  9. Choose the first goal, take massive action towards its completion, and then move to the next one.
  10. Celebrate your successes often.

Start taking action now and let’s see where you are in 90 days. I see great things happening.



Chad Barr is an Internet marketing strategist with over 30 years of experience growing businesses through technology innovation. He helps his global clients create their digital empires and leverage the power of the web to dramatically transform their business success. His firm,?The Chad Barr Group , is recognized as one of the leading strategic Internet development organization in the world.

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