10 Impactful Ways to Participate in Giving Tuesday
Photo by Puwadon Sang-ngern from Pexels

10 Impactful Ways to Participate in Giving Tuesday

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Many people joke that 2020 is a bad year they want to forget. But for many, problems are much worse than simply not being able to take that annual trip to Hawaii or attend cross fit in person. There are no shortage of people and groups who need help this holiday season. According to the Brookings Institute, almost one in five households of mothers with children age 12 and under, the children were experiencing food insecurity.

As much as we buy gifts this season for ourselves, for family and friends, we need to consider people who we might not know, who we can’t necessarily see but who need our help.

After Black Friday and Cyber Monday comes a different type of day to welcome the holidays: Giving Tuesday. 

On Giving Tuesday, nonprofits and charities around the world make a push for donations, with many even matching gifts.

Since it first started in 2012, Giving Tuesday has been the start of the holiday philanthropic season and added a charitable touch to the sales and materialism of the season. Giving Tuesday falls on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, which is December 1, 2020.

As the largest single-day of donations, Giving Tuesday is a huge boost for charitable organizations. In 2019, nonprofits raised $511 million, a 28% increase from the year before. Even with the pandemic, an estimated $605 million will be raised this year.

There are countless charities worthy of donations on Giving Tuesday and every day. Here are 10 impactful and inspiring ways to participate in Giving Tuesday 2020:

1 . Frontline Foods

In the midst of a global pandemic, Frontline Foods is dedicated to feeding frontline workers who put themselves and their health on the line every day. Frontline Foods operates in multiple cities across the U.S. and was created after people asked a nurse in San Francisco how they could support her during COVID-19. Her answer? Pizza. Frontline Foods solves two problems: feeding healthcare workers and first responders while keeping restaurant kitchens open. Volunteers match local restaurants with frontline facilities, and all donations go directly to feeding frontline workers.

2 . Kiva

One of the most powerful ways to create sustainable growth and change around the world is to fund microloans to impoverished people who don’t have access to traditional banks. These loans are much smaller than typical loans and fund small businesses and send people to school. Kiva connects donors with borrowers around the world and even allows the donors to choose their borrower and get updates on the progress until they can eventually repay the loan. More than two-thirds of Kiva’s donations come from individual donors, and 100% of the money goes straight to the field. Donating to Kiva helps build and strengthen small businesses, and then owners can help their families and communities for the long term.

3 . Feeding America

More than 46 million Americans are served by Feeding America food banks each year. One of the most requested but least donated items is milk. On average, most food banks can only provide less than one gallon of milk per person per year. The Great American Milk Drive and Feeding America are teaming up to fight hunger and help get milk to families and children in need. Working with America’s dairy farmers and milk companies, the organizations aim to deliver as much milk as possible. Donating to these groups on Giving Tuesday can provide milk to hundreds of thousands of people across the country and provide valuable nutrients.

 4 . #BrooklynGives

Championed by the Brooklyn Community Foundation, #BrooklynGives has a goal to raise $1 million for local non-profits for Giving Tuesday. With one donation, people can support hundreds of high-impact organizations in Brooklyn, which was one of the hardest hit areas from COVID-19. Many of the organizations are grassroots, community-led nonprofits dedicated to racial justice, which are especially critical in 2020. #BrooklynGives provides a directory of unique organizations for specific donations and also accepts general donations to distribute to the highest-need organizations and causes.

 5 . Direct Relief

For years, Direct Relief has provided medical supplies to communities around the world, but its demand has skyrocketed in 2020. Since January, Direct Relief has delivered more than 30 million N95 masks, 7 million gloves and 1 million face shields to health workers around the country. The organization is dedicating to providing valuable personal protective gear and medications to health workers in the middle of the pandemic. Direct Relief partners with public health authorities, nonprofits and businesses to provide essential health items to hospitals and clinics fighting COVID-19.

 6 . Best Friends

The pandemic has increased the number of pets in people’s homes, but many pets and pet owners still don’t have the proper resources. Best Friends provides dogs and cats with lifesaving second chances and happy homes. Best Friends partners with more than 3,200 shelters across the country to develop foster networks and other resources. Just last year, Best Friends shelters saved more than 63,000 dogs and cats. The organization delivers low-cost and free spay and neuter services in low-income areas, facilitates pet fostering and adoption and is working towards non-kill nationwide by 2025.

7 . United Way

United Way has more than 1,200 chapters around the world and provides a variety of services to its members. Its COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund targets the hardest hit people and areas and provides assistance with housing and utility payments. The fund has made progress in helping communities recover and rebuild, but as the pandemic rages on, the need for assistance continues to grow. Individual chapters of United Way provide specialized relief targeted at the local area and based on local needs. Giving Tuesday donations can be made to the general COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund or to local relief funds.

8 . Nest

Nest’s mission is to boost the handworker and artisan economy around the word by giving women a chance to work outside factories and preserve important cultural traditions around the world. Nest provides funding and resources to handworkers, an industry that employs 300 million people worldwide doing things like weaving, sewing, pottery and other artisan work. Teaching artisan workers how to start and grow handwork businesses provides sustainable livelihoods and protects the culture and heritage of handcrafting, which is typically passed down from generations. Many artisan businesses around the world have taken a hit from COVID-19, so donations in 2020 are especially needed to connect artisans with legal and funding support and provide in-kind grants.  

 9 . The Wilderness Society

Wildfires ravaged communities across the western United States this year, largely due to climate change and poor forest management. The Wilderness Society aims to protect public lands for future generations. Each day, thousands of acres of wild places are lost to drilling, mining, logging and other development. The Wilderness Society has permanently protected 110 million acres of wilderness across the United States, allowing for the conservation of ecosystems and native lands. For a limited time through Giving Tuesday, donations will be matched three times.  

10 . Sesame Workshop

For more than 50 years, Sesame Street has been using television to educate children. By enriching lives through global social impact work and creating experiences that bring families of all shapes, sizes and colors together, Sesame Workshop hopes to enrich the lives of children for the next 50 years and beyond. Aside from television shows, Sesame Workshop also supports social impact initiatives for children around the world, performs leading research about early childhood education and supports teachers. As a bonus, gifts made on Giving Tuesday will be matched dollar for dollar to maximize your donation.

 After the rough year of 2020, Giving Tuesday can provide a bright spot of joy and inspiration. Even small donations can add up to make a big difference for people and causes that need it most.


Article first published on forbes.com.

Blake Morgan is a customer experience futurist, keynote speaker and author of the bestselling book The Customer Of The Future

Sign up for her new course here:

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