10 Hiring Tips That Will Save You From Future Heartache
- Make sure you refrain from checking references until you receive written approval to check from the job candidate. Background checks? Absolutely!
- “What did you make in your last job?” Did you know that in many states this is now an illegal question?
- Make sure you complete the necessary paperwork during the hiring process which includes: a W2, W4, and an I-9. Their first day on the job should not commence without these documents completed.
- Don’t make promises you can’t keep. While this is not necessarily illegal in many cases, it’s still risky and can cause a valuable employee to leave based on lack of employers’ follow-through.
- Don’t allow clinical assistants to take x-rays and coronal polish without proper state certifications. This rule should apply to all those that are licensed. Do you check with your state dental board to be certain that they are licensed?
- Don’t conduct Working Interviews (Skills Assessments) without observing proper legal guidelines AND prepare properly for the event in order to make the most of this time.
- If you conduct these assessments during the workday, be sure to compensate appropriately for their time. Those applying for front desk positions should never be left alone with access to computer (electronic) and written patient information.
- Be sure to supply every incoming employee with a comprehensive and complete Job Description prior to formally hiring them.
- Present all new hires with an Office Manual or similar document. Make sure they sign off that they received it.
- What about Job Proposals? Do you create and offer them to your new hires?